Snapchatters set foot in adidas' virtual store 3.4 million times.

The Story

adidas is a global leader in the sporting goods industry, headquartered in Herzogenaurach, Germany. Supporting the launch of its regional flagship location, adidas approached Snapchat to help generate buzz, turn heads, and do something unlike any store launch before in Dubai. The goal was to raise awareness and get Snapchatters talking about the brand and its new location.

The Solution

adidas and Snapchat partnered up to develop a unique and engaging augmented reality experience that reveals what awaits consumers in store. From Sneaker Services to a space that highlights the brand’s sustainability efforts, the Portal Lens developed for adidas invited Snapchatters to step foot right into the action, enticing them to learn, discover, and head to the store to experience it all in real life.

The Result

The AR Portal Lens experience resulted in 3.4 million impressions for adidas.1

Real business results,
powered by Snap AR.

Open your Snapchat.
1 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of February 26, 2021–March 25, 2021.