Accelerate Your Conversions This Shopping Season with Snapchat

  • Through a seamless shopping experience

  • To an engaged, influential and valuable audience

  • With fully immersive technology

Nearly 2x of consumers prefer online mobile shopping during the shopping season, especially on mobile

Seamless Shopping Experience

It’s not just about giving consumers what they want. It’s about being where they are and elevating their experience with your product through a seamless journey - that comes full circle, all on one platform.

Tech Savvy, Influential and Valuable Audience 

Open your business up to
the most tech-savvy generation
ever - the Snapchat one.

They possess 1.4T Saudi Riyals in
spending power annually.1

They already know the platform and
navigate through it seamlessly,
Snapchatters are super adaptable and
know what they are doing on the app. 

#1 Platform where GenZ enjoys
sharing purchases they love or
when shopping in KSA.2

On a monthly basis, Snapchatters
spend 1.6x (KSA) and 1.4x (UAE) more
on leisure activities; fashion, beauty,
dining, entertainment - compared
to Non Snapchatters.3

Higher Penetration against key
audiences - 1.2x more compared to
other social platforms when it comes
to the affluent audience (HHI+) in KSA.4

Immersive AR & Video Solutions

And that starts by providing an experience unlike any other. Whether it’s swiping up on an ad to make an immediate purchase, trying on a pair of shoes with an AR Lens, or scanning a product in-store, every interaction and experience with Snapchat is designed to be immersive. It’s relevant and feels more personal to the audience.

Maximize your potential for the highest returns with a multi-format approach from September through January.

During the month of November, campaigns for retailers running lens on Snapchat deliver 13x Higher Average purchase value compared to the average5

Ads on Snapchat are 1.5x more engaging than other platforms and drive 34% greater purchase intent.6

Interacting with products via AR leads to 94% higher conversion rate.7

1 2021 Global Cassandra Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Those with a monthly income N=12,710 respondents. Cumulative total of average by market. Spending power for the Snapchat Generation was calculated as follows: We obtained the average monthly income for each respondent. The sum of any expenses related to rent or mortgage, debt, insurance, medical expenses/healthcare, spending money given to others, and utilities was subtracted from this average monthly income. We then multiplied each respondent’s average monthly discretionary spending by 12 to obtain their average yearly discretionary spending and averaged these results within each country across the Snapchat Generation
2 2022 Global Crowd DNA Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Saudi Arabia Snapchatters N = 519 | Q: What are the reasons why you’d want to use AR for shopping? (NET of all codes except “I wouldn’t be interested in using AR for shopping”)
3 2022 Kantar Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Sample: KSA N =1000 & UAE Total N=1000 
4 IPG MB Connections Panel, a hybrid quantitative study fielded for 6 weeks in June ‘21,
5 Snap Inc. internal data November 2021
6 Alter Agents research commissioned by Snap, Inc. 2021
7 Harvard Business Review & Shopify, “How AR Is Redefining Retail in the Pandemic,” October 7, 2020.