Snapchat Holiday Hub

Boost Holiday Results With a Conversion Campaign

Boost holiday results and influence Snapchatters to make a purchase with Conversion ads.

Drive Even More Holiday Sales

The holidays are a prime time for shopping, particularly on Snapchat, and this trend extends past the New Year. With all the excitement, it's easy for your brand to get lost in the shuffle. But you can grab customers' attention and boost sales by kicking off a holiday campaign built to sell.

Icon of a cell phone and graph together
Tips for driving more conversions:

  1. Highlight your sale: Everyone wants the best deal during the holidays. Showcase your sales early and optimize your ads to attract the right customers.

  2. Rotate new creatives: Refresh creative every 2-3 weeks to keep your ads from going stale and getting lost in the shuffle.

  3. Avoid audience overlap: Follow the “fewer ad sets, with larger budgets" strategy to give your ads stronger momentum and prevent the auction from blocking your spend.

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Personalize Your Campaigns with Dynamic Ads

Want to take your Conversion ads to the next level? Show Snapchatters the products they’re most interested in purchasing by connecting your product catalog to unlock the power of personalized Dynamic Ads.

Picture of Solgaard luggage ad.
Best practices for your catalog setup:

  1. Keep your catalog updated: If people see items in your ads that aren't in stock or are incorrectly priced, they might take their spending power elsewhere. 

  2. Choose high-quality images: You want your products to stand out, so always use high-quality images that pop.

  3. Check product links: Links should always direct customers to the correct product page for that specific item on your business's website.

Create Catalog
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Maximize Your Ad Performance All Season Long

Ready to get a jump start on your holiday campaigns? We have a plan to help you meet your audience at every stage of the buying cycle.

Download Plan
icon of a present box

Need additional help with your holiday ads strategy?

Book a complimentary call with an Ads Specialist for more personalized guidance.