Grow Your Online Business With

E-commerce Advertising on Snapchat

Snapchat reaches valuable audiences and helps online stores like yours connect with the right customers to drive sales and leads.

  • Connect with a massive audience that’s quickly growing, reaching 75% of millennials and Gen Z.¹

  • Grow sales or subscriptions by optimizing campaigns toward specific events.

  • Showcase your products through immersive, personalized ad formats that inspire action.

What Makes Snapchat Valuable for Online Sales?

Snapchat is influential among friends because it’s made for close, real connections.

  • Snapchat is the #1 platform where people enjoy sharing purchases or when shopping.²

  • On average, Snapchatters spend 30 minutes on the app daily.³

  • Snapchatters say close friends are 4x more influential than celebrities or influencers on their purchasing decisions.⁴

Create a personalized, relevant shopping experience for Snapchatters.

  • Connect with your audience on Snapchat based on their interests and behaviors. 

  • Find high-intent customers with Custom Audiences and Lookalikes.

  • Reach specific Snapchatters based on data that’s unique to your business, product, or service.

Measure campaign results and build audiences with the Snap Pixel.

  • Measure the activity on your website, allowing you to track the actions people take.

  • Optimize your campaigns for valuable actions, such as purchases or filling out lead forms.

  • Build Customer List Audiences from emails or phone numbers and retarget those who’ve added to cart but haven’t completed a purchase.

Learn how to install the Snap Pixel.

Grow sales via made-for-commerce ad formats that showcase your products.

  • Leverage ad formats that are tailored to your business goals, like driving awareness or sales.  

  • Encourage Snapchatters to browse and buy with Collection Ads.

  • Automatically personalize your ads with Dynamic Product Ads.

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Success on Snapchat

See how online businesses like yours are finding success on Snapchat.

Wanting to drive more purchases, The Ridge came to Snapchat seeking a new audience who would convert with a strong return on investment. Using Snap Pixel’s cross-device measurement and Snapchat’s Custom and Lookalike Audiences, The Ridge achieved an overall cost per acquisition (CPA) at least 20% lower than on other ad platforms.


  • 20% lower CPA vs. other platforms

  • 4.1x return on ad spend

  • 55% lower CPA using Pixel Lookalike Audiences


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1 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of April 19, 2020. Percentages calculated by dividing addressable reach by relevant census figures in the US. Millennials and Gen Z are defined as between 13 and 34 years of age. Addressable reach, location, and age data are subject to limitations. See for details.
2 2022 Global Crowd DNA Study commissioned by Snap Inc.| Base: Daily Snapchatters = 8100 Daily TikTok = 6482 Daily Instagram = 7516 Daily Facebook = 7244 Daily Messenger = 6323 Daily Whatsapp = 6822 Daily Twitter = 5113 | Q: Which of the following moments do you enjoy sharing or celebrating on each app? Please select all that apply. (NET: Funny / random things that happen during my day, Moments that capture what my life is actually like)
3 Snap Inc. internal data Q1 2020. See Snap Inc. public filings with the SEC.
4 Snap Inc. survey of US Snapchat users June 16–19, 2020. Age and location data subject to restrictions. See for details. Question: “Which of these types of people are most influential on you choosing products to buy or trying something new?”; 787 respondents.