Rock 'Em Socks Drives Online Sales and Massive ROAS on Snapchat

Increase in Product Sales

Increase in ROAS Compared to Other Platforms

Rocking Socks with Innovation and Creativity through Snapchat Ads

Rock ’Em Socks is a US-based sock company offering customers over 10,000 sock designs and custom socks. Their product line continues to evolve with timely themes and trends, while they offer sports fans and movie/TV fanatics a place to get socks that proudly show off favorite sports teams, characters, and more. By combining innovative product design, strategic creative direction, and US-finished manufacturing, the close-knit group of founders has grown the company from a small dorm room operation into a globally recognized apparel brand. Looking to showcase their massive catalogue of sock designs in new and creative ways, Rock ‘Em Socks turned to Snapchat. 

Story Ads Help Identify Audiences, Boosting Traffic and Product Views

To introduce Snapchatters to their brand and wide product offerings, Rock ‘Em Socks started advertising with Story Ads, which appear in the discovery section of the Snapchat app. By introducing new and relevant designs and timely sock themes to Snapchatters in a way that feels non-intrusive to the in-app experience, Rock ‘Em Socks was quickly able to identify audiences that showed positive engagement with their ads, while boosting site traffic and product views. 

To optimize their targeting strategy and creative approach, Rock ‘Em Socks continues to use split testing on Snapchat to identify winning creative approaches that resonate most with their target audience, resulting in positive results for their conversion focused campaigns.

Comfort First: Big Increases in Sales and ROAS

Snapchat has proven to be a tremendous growth channel for Rock ‘Em Socks, driving significant online traffic, product sales, and repeat customers. Since launching ads on Snapchat, Rock ‘Em Socks saw a 5.5X increase in Nickelodeon Sales1, and saw a 40% increase in ROAS for their Mandalorian campaign when compared to other platforms1. The combination of engaging ad formats, custom audience targeting, and a strong testing strategy has proven to be the key to success for Rock ‘Em Socks on Snapchat. 

Snapchat has evolved into a part of our paid marketing workflow and we are excited to continue and expand our partnership in the future.

Harrison Hall, Digital Marketing, Rock ‘Em Socks

1 Rock ‘Em Socks internal data.
1 Rock ‘Em Socks internal data.