Generate Leads for Your Business

Need a fast, easy way to generate leads? Collect customer information with Snapchat’s in-app lead gen form to grow your email list size, qualify customers, and ask for responses to questions that are valuable to your business.

  • Auto-filled, fast-loading forms are designed to increase form conversion rates.

  • Easily manage your leads in Ads Manager.

Easy Lead Generation With Snapchat’s Native Lead Forms

Snapchat’s lead forms make it easy for Snapchatters to complete a form and provide valuable, qualified leads for your business.

  • Fast-loading native lead forms save time and reduce Snapchatter drop-off rates.

  • Tapping an ad lets Snapchatters quickly fill out and submit a form.

  • Auto-filled fields pull from Snapchatter profile info to speed up form submission.

  • Create your lead form and download your leads directly within Ads Manager.

  • Include custom questions to get responses that matter for your business.

How to Create a Lead Gen Campaign

Lead gen campaign setup

  1. In Ads Manager, select Advanced Create within the Create Ads tab and choose Lead Generation as your objective.

  2. Fill out your campaign details and ad set details, choose Single Image and Video as your ad format, and use Lead Form as your attachment.

  3. Design your ad, select your form settings and description, review, and publish.

Accessing your leads

  1. When leads have been captured, select Download Leads from any lead form campaign within the Manage Ads tab. 

  2. On the export configuration pop-up window, select Account Leads and click the Export button.

  3. You’ll receive a notification when your lead export is complete, which you can then click and download as a CSV file.

Learn More About Lead Gen Campaigns and Best Practices

When should I create a lead gen campaign? 

Lead generation can help you if you want to develop new sales leads or capture key customer information that can be used for outreach, like email marketing.

What can I do with my leads?

Once you’ve created your campaign and downloaded your leads, you can then upload the list of leads and use them to reach new audiences within Snapchat Ads Manager.

  • Start by creating a Customer List Audience to use for your campaigns, which matches the names and emails or phone numbers in your list with Snapchatters.

  • If you’re trying to reach new customers, you can also use a Customer List Audience to exclude those who’ve already shared their contact info, saving you money by not showing your ad to those Snapchatters.

  • From there, create a Lookalike Audience based on your Customer List Audience to reach Snapchatters who are similar to your existing customers.

What are some lead form best practices I can follow?

  • Limit the number of fields you include – too many can overwhelm Snapchatters who may not complete your form.

  • When describing your form, use language that encourages Snapchatters to share their contact details.

  • Offer Snapchatters something unique for submitting their info, like special discounts or exclusive content. 

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