Grow Your Business With Snapchat Ads

Meet your Millennial and Gen Z customers where they are. Start today at a price that fits your budget.

Join the Social Shopping Conversation

Snapchat is the #1 platform where Gen Z enjoys sharing purchases they love1

Snapchatters have $4.4 trillion in global spending power2

“Our product was responding to the younger demographic, and that’s when we decided to jump into Snapchat. The younger people spread the word.” – Vahe Haroutounian, Co-Founder, Blissy

Reach Engaged Customers

75% of Millennials and Gen Z spend over 30 minutes a day on Snapchat3

93% of Snapchatters enjoy sharing and celebrating moments in their lives on Snapchat4

”We’ve had the largest audience reach than any other platform. I would say it’s been five times more.” – Sima Mosbacher, CEO & Founder, Moitie Cosmetics

Get Started at a Price That Fits Your Budget

Set a budget that works for you and adjust it as you learn which approach is best for your ads

Get results that matter to your business, including more local customers, sales leads, and online transactions

“We can just snap a photo with our phones and get it onto the platform quickly, without spending too much money or time.” – Josh Stoneman, Co-Founder, Mister Bandana

How to Get Started

Select an image or video that best highlights what you want to promote and follow these four steps:

1. Choose your advertising goal

Whether you’re looking for purchases, leads, local customers, or just about anything else, there’s likely a goal that fits your needs. 

2. Set your budget and schedule

You can get started with as little as $5 a day.

3. Define the kind of Snapchatters you want to reach

Create your audience by selecting age range, location, and interests, along with Lifestyle Categories and other options.

4. Insert the video or image you previously selected

Write a brief headline that describes the product or service you are advertising.

Your ad is ready to be published! Once it’s running on Snapchat, you can learn what works best for your business and increase your budget to achieve even more results.  

To learn more about advertising on Snapchat, visit our Getting Started page.

1 2022 Global Crowd DNA Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Snapchatters N = 8,100 | Q: Thinking about all apps you use, which of the following things relating to visual messages (e.g. pictures, videos, filters / lenses, emojis / bitmojis) have you ever done? (NET of all codes)
2 2021 Global Cassandra Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Those with a monthly income N=12,710 respondents. Cumulative total of average by market. Spending power for the Snapchat Generation was calculated as follows: We obtained the average monthly income for each respondent. The sum of any expenses related to rent or mortgage, debt, insurance, medical expenses/healthcare, spending money given to others, and utilities was subtracted from this average monthly income. We then multiplied each respondent’s average monthly discretionary spending by 12 to obtain their average yearly discretionary spending and averaged these results within each country across the Snapchat Generation.
3 Snap Inc. internal data Q4 2020. Percentages calculated by dividing addressable reach by relevant census figures. Millennials and Gen Z are defined as between 13 and 34 years of age. Addressable reach, location, and age data are subject to limitations. See for details.
4 2022 Global Crowd DNA Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Snapchatters N = 8,100, Non-Snapchatters N = 9,216 | Q: Which of the following moments do you enjoy sharing or celebrating on each app? (NET: all codes)