How to Launch Dynamic Product Ads

Follow these simple steps to get Dynamic Product Ads up and running.

  1. Use the global navigation in the top left corner of Ads Manager to click “Create Ads” followed by the Advanced Create” option.

  2. Within the “Build Your Campaign” page, select the “Catalog Sales” objective.

  3. Turn the Dynamic Ads toggle on to dynamically showcase your products from your catalog.

  4. Choose your objective by selecting either the “Prospecting” or “Retargeting” option.

Pro Tip: To scale campaigns, it’s important to launch campaigns with both prospecting and retargeting audiences.

Using Dynamic Ads for Prospecting and Retargeting

Prospecting With Dynamic Product Ads

Improve engagement and brand awareness through relevant ads.

Relevant ads for Snapchatters: Show relevant ads to Snapchatters who are likely to be interested in your brand, product, or website to build a larger retargeting pool.

Reduce the cost of ad creation: Lower your ad creation costs by building multiple versions of creative including templates, copy, and CTAs.

Continuously drive awareness and intent: Set up campaigns once to drive ongoing personalization of the products displayed, what’s in stock, or exclude Snapchatters who've made a purchase in the past 14 days.

Retargeting With Dynamic Product Ads

Show the right products to high-intent Snapchatters.

Reach Snapchatters who almost made purchases: Encourage conversions by retargeting Snapchatters who visited your website but did not make a purchase.

Retarget Snapchatters who viewed a product: Stay top of mind by showing Snapchatters a product they’ve viewed or any other item included in your product set.

Improve Online Sales With Dynamic Collection Ads

Showcase your products and services through Snapchat’s Collection Ads.

What Are Collection Ads?

Collection Ads are Single Image or Video Ads with four tappable tiles to showcase multiple products.

  • Feature new or top-selling products pulled directly from your catalog.

  • Give Snapchatters a frictionless way to browse and buy.

  • Tiles are dynamically generated based on the product set and targeted audience.

Benefits of Dynamic Collection Ads

Showcase your products efficiently

Serve highly-relevant product information to a broader audience of prospective customers.

Personalize ads with relevant products

Share personalized product options based on previous site actions taken by Snapchatters.

Target the right audiences

Connect with optimal audiences by syncing based on prospecting or retargeting goals.

Create a Collection Ad

FAQs for Building Dynamic Product Ads

How do I scale campaigns when my retargeting reach is limited?

  • Launching prospecting campaigns allows you to target broader audiences, increase purchase intent, and grow your retargeting pools.

  • Prospecting campaigns using Custom Audiences and relevant product sets can help you hit your purchase goals while still being able to scale reach and spend.

  • Create multiple CRM lists for testing. Lists can be tied to top spenders, repeat purchasers, Snapchatters who have purchased in the past 180 days, promotional buyers, and more. Be sure to test Lookalikes for these Custom Audiences.