The Golden Rules of Creative
Refresh your ad campaigns using these best practices.
Keep ads short and direct
Rarely do you need more than 10 seconds to get your message across.
Introduce the main benefit right from the first frame of your ad.
Three to five second video ads are enough to drive action while not losing attention.
Minimize the amount of text used on screen. If you need to include more text, you can use Snap Publisher to stack the copy to ensure quick readability.
Echo or extend on existing digital assets for brand consistency.
Don’t Have Creative to Run Ads With? Use Snap Publisher
Snap Publisher is our free ad creation tool that lets you create Snapchat Ads in minutes.
Snap Publisher makes it easy to create videos for your ads with helpful tools and features:
Style for Snapchat: Convert your existing wide-screen or square video to vertical for Snapchat.
Design from scratch: Design a completely new vertical video with our powerful animation tools and library of free stock images and videos.
Refine your creative: Customize your ads with relevant content and generate multiple versions to learn which ads perform best.
- Sima Mosbacher, CEO + Founder, Moitie Cosmetics