Zain KSA Achieves An 83% Decrease In CPA On Their “Shabab” Campaign

11.4 million
Purchases made
decrease in CPA % per quarter
Zain is one of the leading telecom providers in Saudi Arabia, that offers a wide range of products such as 5G, Fibre and Mobile Telephony. To boost their market among a younger audience, Zain KSA focused on emphasizing on one of its hero products; a package called “Shabab”, the Arabic word for “youth”. Zain’s marketing goal was to increase the number of purchases of the “Shabab” package while maintaining a low cost per purchase.
To help Zain achieve its objectives, OMD Arabia ran awareness and conversion campaigns in parallel, using a mix of static images and videos across Snap ads, story ads, and collection ads. Through burst awareness campaigns, Zain was able to reach a younger audience in a short time, strengthening the top of the funnel. By retargeting Cart abandoners and their lookalikes, website visitors, and video viewers, Zain generated highly relevant interactions and, in turn, lowered their cost per purchase.
The Results:
By following the above strategy, Zain doubled their sales in Saudi Arabia quarter over quarter and consistently decreased their cost per purchase between Q1 and Q3 by 83%. This also came with a CPM decrease of around 50% compared to the same time last year.
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