Success Story
Success Story

Zaful lowered cost per install by 50% in key geos


As high as 50% lower cost per Install in key geos


Lower cost per purchase on Snapchat globally versus other channels 


Snapchat was Zaful's #2 marketing channel in Q4 2017

The Story

The Story Zaful is a one-stop shop for women’s fashion apparel offering a select choice of clothing, shoes and accessories. They identified the Snapchat audience as an audience which was interested in and likely to engage with fashion content. They wanted to use App Install ads to encourage female Snapchatters to install, browse and purchase.

The Solution

Zaful used Snapchat App Install ads to encourage users to swipe up into the app store and install the Zaful app. To reach the right users, they targeted females who were interested in fashion across different age groups across the US, Europe and the Middle East, and used Snapchat’s Goal Based Bidding to optimize for both those who would swipe up on their ads and those who would install their app. To do this, they utilized Goal Based Bidding to optimize for users who were most likely to swipe up and install at the lowest cost. Zaful tested different creative across a variety of different ad sets with diversified targeting, and made optimizations in Ads Manager to drive further efficiencies.

The Results 

Zaful quickly saw that the results they were able to achieve on Snapchat were better than other channels. The Cost per Install they saw in Europe and the US was 20% lower than other channels, and their Cost per Install was even cheaper in the Middle East, where it came in at 50% lower than other channels. It wasn’t just Cost per Install that was cheaper, they saw on average a 20% lower Cost per Purchase on Snapchat in all countries than other channels.