Wella Colorcharm Paints Lifts Brand Favorability & Consideration Intent With Snap Ads & Story Ads


brand favorability benchmark


consideration intent benchmark

The Story

Wella Professionals brought their DIY Hair Color, Colorcharm Paints, to Snapchat in Q2 2021 with a mission to drive consideration of the product line. To reach hair and beauty enthusiasts at scale and showcase that using Wella Colorcharm Paints is a creative way for trend-focused Snapchatters to express themselves.

The Solution

With ad engagement and brand lift metrics being key performance indicators, Snapchat produced brand new assets for Wella Professionals that followed Snapchat Creative Best Practices, in partnership with Vidmob. This included Snap Ads combined with a how-to Story Ad to encourage audience engagement.

Snap Ad

Story Ad

Snap Ad

The Results

The instantly impactful Snap Ads combined with a how-to Story Ad encouraged audience engagement, and led to 7x the norm lift in Brand Favorability1, and 6x the norm lift in Consideration Intent1.

Two key drivers of success were purposeful sound, e.g. product name included in the voice over, and the combination of polished brand video paired with influencer tutorial video.

Snapchat can help your small, medium or large business grow.

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1 Kantar (Millward Brown) Resonance Study, Q2 2021
1 Kantar (Millward Brown) Resonance Study, Q2 2021