Warner Brothers partnered with Snapchat to build awareness around the theatrical release of Tenet and drive watch intent

+24 pt

lift in ad awareness

+5 pt

lift in movie interest

(All Snapchatters)

+16 pt

lift in movie interest

(35+ Snapchatters)

The Story

To promote the theatrical release of Tenet in the UK, Warner Bros partnered with Snapchat to build awareness of the film and drive Watch Intent. As Tenet was the first major theatrical release after the UK lockdown, Warner Bros were keen to utilise any insights that were available to them to monitor the progression of the release’s campaign.

The Solution

Warner Bros ran a combination of Snap Ads and Commercials to drive Reach & Engagement across various parts of the Snapchat app. Deploying a mixture of Snap Ads throughout the campaign drove 18.8M impressions.

Whilst Teens drove the most cost efficient reach, swipe up rates were the highest 35+ audiences at 1.20%. 1

The studio also ran Commercials and Extended Play Commercials driving 3.8M views.

The Results

The campaign used video as the flagship product. The results, as measured by Snapchat 1st Party Brand Lift Study, shows that Warner Bros were able to generate strong full funnel uplifts across all measured metrics.

1 Source : Snap Inc. Internal Data August 17 - September 2020
1 Source : Snap Inc. Internal Data August 17 - September 2020