Success Story
Success Story

Vivint Smart Home converted homeowners well under cost per lead goals


Decrease in cost per lead


Decrease in cost per system install


Return on ad spend

The Story

Vivint Smart Home offers a range of household security and automation products. As purchasing one of its home systems requires consultation and customization with a Vivint Smart Home representative, it needed an acquisition channel that could generate quality leads for its sales team. Vivint Smart Home quickly discovered Snapchat had a large audience of homeowners with the purchasing power to drive highly qualified leads at scale.

The Solution

Snap Ads’ vertical video format helped Vivint Smart Home quickly illustrate its value proposition and product offerings. The ads concluded with a CTA to “Get a Free Quote” to encourage interested Snapchatters to swipe up and fill out the attached lead form. Vivint Smart Home used Snapchat’s auto-fill function to make the submission process as easy as possible and also allowed Snapchatters to “click to call” a rep directly.
To drive the most qualified leads possible, Vivint Smart Home used a mix of Snapchat’s targeting tools. Demographics like age and average household income helped Vivint Smart Home find homeowners who could afford its solutions. Lifestyle categories like “techies” and “investors” helped further expand reach with a more affluent, tech savvy crowd, as did lookalike audiences resembling their current customer profiles.

The Results

Snapchat shattered Vivint Smart Home’s cost per lead and cost per system install goals, with a 34% decrease in cost per lead and 31% decrease in cost per install. After just one month of testing, Vivint Smart Home has already made Snapchat one of its primary acquisition channels.