Uber AU Sees Higher Reach and Increased Awareness with Snapchat Ads

Reach in 24 Hours

Video Views

Swipe Up Rate

Uber Partners with Snapchat to Drive Mass Reach

Given the recent expansion within Uber Eats' Australian delivery offering to include food, groceries and alcohol, Australians can now get almost anything on Uber Eats… well, almost, almost anything. For the new platform, Uber wanted to use First Story to drive mass reach across Snapchat to deliver this new brand messaging. Uber also wanted to generate high impact and reach on a given day, ensuring they had increased consideration for their brand and being front-of-mind with the Snapchat audience.

Uber Targets Audiences with 2 Creative First Story Ads

Partnering with Snapchat, Uber leveraged two First Story ads to run the activity, targeted to their key audience of 18+ adults. The creative was split across the two ads, featuring high-profile talent, including Kris and Kendall Jenner, and three iconic Aussies.

Big Results in Reach, Views, and Swipe-ups / Clicks

The 'Get Almost, Almost' anything activity allowed Uber to find new and different ways to build on the existing associations consumers have with the brand. First Story allowed the brand to generate high reach, whilst capturing the engagement of their brand for further retargeting to support their consideration focus, achieving 2.08M reach in 24 hours¹, 205K video views² and a swipe up rate of 1.3%.³

At Uber we are always looking for new ways to reach & engage with our audience. Snapchat have been great partners in bringing innovative formats and ideas to the table, and formats such as AR lens and First Story are important drivers of both awareness and consideration as we evolve to a platform that can get you almost, almost anything.

Andy Morley, Director of Marketing at Uber & Uber Eats, Aus & NZ

1 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of April 28, 2023.
2 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of April 28, 2023.
3 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of April 28, 2023.