Spotify’s AR Lens Allowed Snapchatters to Walk Into Music Playlists

point lift in Ad Awareness
Looking to show Gen Zs and millennials that Spotify India is the destination to check out filmy music — a genre of music produced for India’s mainstream movie industry — the brand partnered with Snapchat for their DilFilmyTohSunoFilmy campaign: a fun, relatable effort to raise awareness and establish Spotify India as the go-to hub for fans of the genre.
Spotify India used a multi-product approach to create an exciting, engaging way for Gen Z Snapchatters to experience filmy music playlists on Spotify. The brand’s primary ad format leveraged an interactive, music-themed AR Lens experience that allowed Snapchatters to walk into a virtual music playlist. In tandem with the Lens, Spotify India created Snap Ads that used the campaign’s video assets to run concurrently with the Lens.
The DilFilmyTohSunoFilmy campaign found success with the unique interactive elements on Snapchat. By using the interactive Lens, Spotify India achieved brand resonance as seen through a +21 point lift in Ad awareness among those who were exposed to the Lens. 1
By utilizing Snapchat’s AR capabilities, Spotify India found a unique way to merge AR and music while driving high brand resonance and achieving positive campaign results.
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