Snap Drives Deliciously Good Results for Bomb Pop


lift in brand awareness


lift in brand favorability


overall brand favorability for Snapchat CPG norms


increase in purchase intent

The Story

While their iconic flavor speaks for itself, Bomb Pop needed a strategic way to achieve their KPI of enhancing their cultural relevance, encouraging meaningful engagement with the brand, and drive purchase intent among tweens.

Their greatest challenge? Standing out among key competitors while building strong relationships with consumers.

So, knowing their target audience includes avid Snapchatters, Bomb Pop headed to Snapchat to realize their campaign strategy. 

The Solution

Bomb Pop leveraged four products on Snapchat to reach their KPI: Snap ads, commercials, Lenses, and Filters. This strategy of multiproduct exposure resulted in double-digit gains across the full funnel.

Bomb Pop brand awareness saw a 16-point increase1 while brand favorability experienced a 13-point increase. 1

They used goal-based bidding on shares specifically with the augmented reality Lens which, at its peak, drove a 9% share rate. 2

The Results

Thanks to their multiproduct strategy using Snap Ads, commercials, Lenses, and Filters, Bomb Pop reached their primary KPI and even outperformed Snapchat campaign norms for the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) category.

After the campaign, overall brand favorability performed at 12.4x Snapchat’s CPG norms2 Leveraging Lenses proved very effective in reaching Bomb Pop’s goals, with exposure translating to an increased purchase intent of 7 points.1

Energetic video content and positive messaging that focused on diversity also pushed Bomb Pop’s campaign to further exceed Snapchat’s CPG norms for campaigns in the US.

"Creating meaningful connections with our tween consumer is critical to Bomb Pop, and a multi-product strategy on Snapchat helps us do that in a big way. The multiple differentiated exposures allow us to engage with tweens in a natural way on the platform, contributing to exceptional delivery against our KPIs."

- Ryan Roznowski, Senior Brand Manager, Bomb Pop

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1 3P, Kantar Brand Lift Results, July 2021
2 By taking a multi-product approach and incorporating catchy creative, music, energetic clips and an emphasis on 'a flavor for every you' - Bomb Pop's campaign generated: double-digit gains in Brand Awareness (+12 pts.) and Brand Favorability (+10 pts) as well as gains in Ad Awareness (+7 pts.) and directional gains in Purchase Intent (+5 pts.) at an 89% C.I.