Success Story
Success Story

Puck achieves +17.2 points lift in Ad Awareness


uplift in rev vs. 2017


lift in ad awareness


lift in brand favorability

The Story

Puck looked to drive sales for its Cream Cheese Jar, the range’s hero product. Gamification was identified as a way to help bring the fun elements of the brand, while incentivizing consumers to purchase the product. Puck turned to Snapchat for a solution that would engage parents and their kids at the same time in an experience that was tied back to the product. “Save the Cows” was Snapchat’s answer to the

Saving the Cows

Puck launched a regional gamified Lens experience on Snapchat through a Snapcode that was made available for those who purchased the product. The Snapcode unlocked a Selfie Lens game that drove high engagement.

The objective of the game was simple, save the cows from incoming UFOs, triggered by users opening their mouths to consume the UFOs. To keep the audience engaged for several months, multiple variations and levels of the game were created and each version ran across multiple markets. “Saving the Cows” was celebrated through a
World Lens, showcasing the cows enjoying their freedom from UFOs.

The game was also promoted through multi-touch activations from in-store branding to influencer endorsements. Puck also launched a competition on social media rewarding users based on their scores. Users recorded scores all the way up to 9999 points.


To amplify reach & engagement, Puck ran Snap Ads to extend the campaign, and to tease the users by inviting them to swipe up and unlock the next level of the game.

Due to the success of this campaign, Puck jars ran out of stock in multiple major markets leading the brand to open up the game mid-campaign and make the Snapcode available across all campaign assets.

This campaign delivered strong lifts on brand awareness (+3.9 pp), ad awareness (+17.2 pp) and brand favorability 2.3X higher than Snap Norms at(+4.6 pp). In the key market of Saudi Arabia, the operation lifted revenues by 7% in the first two months of the year over the same period in 2017. In January, it added 4.4 percentage points to the value market share and nine percentage points to the TOM awareness over the same month in 2017. The research also shows that our products work better together with an impressive lift of +12pp in brand favorability and +10.5pp in Purchase intent among users that were exposed to both the lens and snap ads (multi product exposure).