Success Story
Success Story

Recruiting done right at Deutsche Bahn

1.84 €


0.18 €


The Story: Branding done right

In two Snapchat takeovers, the Deutsche Bahn Karriere Snapchat account accompanied apprentices Dana and Fatmir for one whole day - from breakfast to end of work. The focus was to give the followers an authentic and exclusive insight into their everyday tasks and experiences, thus presenting Deutsche Bahn as a very down-to-earth and "real" employer for future apprentices.

The Solution: Snap Ads

Dana & Dilan
The ads were 10 seconds long and featured Dana and Dilan, two DB apprentices who work in different fields. They addressed their interests and talents and framed them in a positive way. The twist: Their strengths might not everywhere be considered a good thing. DB saw the power of this approach and focused on strengths rather than weaknesses.  The videos had a voiceover recording and after a swipe up you accessed the DB career page for pupils.

Dana & FatmirThese ads featured Dana and Fatmir. The creatives appealed to the young audience and their mindsets with regards to work. DB considered it important to highlight the interests of potential apprentices and how they fit in with work at DB. The videos had a voiceover recording and after a swipe up you accessed the DB career page for pupils.