Perrier combines an innovative AR experience with efficient video ad formats to drive awareness of the new Perrier & Juice soft drink


unique reach

+21 points

product awareness uplift for users exposed to multiple formats

The Story

To promote the launch of its new drink “Perrier & Juice” with French consumers aged 25+, Perrier wanted to create massive awareness and engagement. 

Together with agencies Zenith and Mazarine, Perrier teamed up with Snapchat to create an engaging experience based on an innovative new Lens technology that had never been used in France before: AR Floor Segmentation.

The Solution

To drive both awareness and engagement, Perrier built a campaign leveraging all of Snapchat’s major advertising formats : AR Lens, Snap Ads to AR, and Commercials.

AR Lens

Using the power of AR, Perrier invited Snapchatters into the exotic world of Perrier & Juice by transforming the world around them into a vibrant rainforest using the groundbreaking floor segmentation technology. This Lens was available to all Snapchatters for 24 hours.

Snap Ads to AR

To extend the reach of the AR Lens experience, Perrier leveraged the Snap Ads to AR format to continue to drive engagement with the experience for several weeks, targeting the campaign’s core target: users aged 25 and over.


To extend the reach of the campaign and drive awareness of the product launch, Perrier also targeted users aged 25 and over with Commercials, Snapchat’s unskippable vertical video format which can be found in Discover Shows. 

The Results

With this multi-format campaign, Perrier achieved its goals of driving both massive awareness of the product launch, and strong engagement with the campaign.

The campaign reached 6.4M Snapchatters¹, who were exposed to one or several ad formats. The engaging and clearly branded creative elements, helped drive an uplift in Product Awareness (+16 pts) and Ad Awareness (+20 pts).² 

Combining different formats paid off to extend the reach of the campaign - only 22% of Snapchatters were exposed to all three formats¹ - and also drove higher product awareness : Snapchatters exposed to multiple ad formats found the campaign to be more memorable: +21 pts (vs. +19 pts for people exposed to a single ad product) in Ad Awareness. These Snapchatters also reported stronger growth in product awareness : +20 pts (vs. +12 pts for people exposed to a single ad product)².

“As a leader on mineral sparkling waters market, Perrier DNA is to be consumer centric. In order to answer to the several consumers’ expectations, Perrier has to drive innovation in terms of product, CSV but also in digital. That’s why I love Perrier on Snapchat! This partnership with Perrier and Snapchat is a great opportunity to be closer to our consumer by using cutting edge technologies. This new Lens developed with Perrier & Juice is a best case of win win collaboration to propose fantastic experiences to our consumers!”

- Gauthier Ruozzi - Chef de Produit Perrier France

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1 Source: Snap Inc. internal data July 24th - August 19th, 2020
2 Source: Kantar brand lift survey commissioned by Snap of 797 Snapchat users in France, July 24 - August 19, 2020. Control n= 403 exposed n=394