Moller's Tran Leverages Filters and Snap Ads to drive Brand Awareness and create a habit test

+40 points
Ad Awareness
+18 points
Message Association Lift
+6 points
Brand Awareness Lift Amongst 13-17 yr Olds
Snapcode Shares
Möller’s Tran, a Norwegian fish oil supplement brand, ran a Snapchat tailored campaign during February 2018. Möller’s Tran wanted people to remember to take their Möller’s Tran every morning and make it a natural part of every day habits. Additionally they wanted to create awareness among a young target group that is difficult to reach on other platforms. The Snapchat partnership extended the Marcus & Martinus concept across National Filters and Snap Ads.
Möller’s Tran wanted to engage the younger audience by giving them the opportunity to take a selfie with the boyband duo Marcus & Martinus. They extended the engagement by running Snap Ads that lead to the filter, and Snap Ads where you could win a trip to a concert on their European tour.
Möller’s Tran distributed the Snapcode in owned media, and it soon spread like wildfire among Marcus & Martinus fans - leading to more than 27,000 shares.

Snapchat can help your business grow.