Nice One Achieves Benchmark-Breaking ROAS through Snap Lens

return on ad spend
conversion rate
13 seconds
average playtime
Based in Saudi Arabia, Nice One is the largest e-commerce beauty retailer in the Middle East. Already a major force in online shopping, the brand wanted to further innovate – and tap into the potential of AR as a means of creating innovative experiences for consumers.
Nice One partnered with Snap aiming to utilize the Snapchat Lens and to offer snapchatters the immersive experience of shopping with Augmented Reality.
Nice One began testing its AR on October 29, adding Lens to its existing product mix of Snap Ads and Story Ads.
The addition of the lens quickly increased the potential audience that it could reach on Snap. With a simple “try on” feature, users were not only more engaged but they were also sharing their experience with their friends and family which attracted a bigger unique audience and drove more web conversions.
Utilizing this multi-product approach has helped Snapchat’s algorithms to optimize towards matching the right ad format to the right user.
By employing AR technology through Lens, Nice One was able to enrich the shopping experience for their key audience in Saudi Arabia: Females aged 17- 45.
Throughout Q4 of 2021, Nice One achieved strong results. The Lens exceeded expectations which encouraged Nice One to continue using AR in its product mix. Besides users spending an Average Play Time of 13 seconds on the lens, the campaign drove a ROAS of 3.08X and a Conversion Rate of 15.23%. 1
- Chaymaa Mohamed, Head of Digital Marketing
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