Milka Boosts Ad Recall with a Memorable AR Easter Egg Hunt


reach among 18-50 year olds

+11 points

lift on Ad Recall (overall campaign)

+32 points

lift in ad recall among users exposed to the AR Lens experience

18 seconds

average AR Lens playtime

The Story

Milka is a well-known brand of chocolate in France. The brand seized the opportunity of Easter, a key moment for the brand, but also a moment where it is strongly challenged by competitor brands, to highlight their famous range of chocolate products (eggs, bunnies…) and stay in people’s mind as a part of this tentpole event.

The Solution

Milka teamed up with AR studio Busterwood and media agency KR Wavemaker to leverage a multi-formats campaign made up of multiple formats: Snap Ads to AR, Commercials, and Face & World AR Lenses. With the AR Lens, Milka wanted to engage the 18-50 yo audience on Snapchat with an innovate AR virtual egg hunt.

The Result

In total, the campaign reached 4,3M people1 and the Lens generated a high engagement with more than 18” of playtime per user on average.3

Beyond the media KPIs, the campaign mainly generated strong ad recall with exposed users. Overall, the campaign registered a +11 points lift...but when focusing on people exposed to the Lens format only, the lift skyrocketed to +32 points!2

“Easter is a key momentum on the chocolate market, and Milka had to make a difference. Snapchat and its AR technology was a no-brainer-choice, as we successfully stand out in this crowded period of year and strongly engaged with our consumer with a unique virtual experience.”

- Pauline Ollivier Lamandé - Media Manager Mondelez International

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1 Snap Inc. internal data March 7, 2021 - April 4, 2021
2 Snap Inc. brand lift survey of 866 Snapchat users March 7, 2021 - April 4, 2021 Control n= 414 exposed n=452
3 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of March 7, 2021 - April 4, 2024