Success Story
Success Story

MDacne sees 30% lower cost per acquisition on Snapchat


lower cost per acquisition vs. other platforms


lower cost per install vs. other platforms

The Story

MDacne is a mobile app that offers customized acne treatments to teens and adults looking for clearer skin. Customers simply snap a selfie and MDacne will send a personalized kit of products to their door. Looking to drive subscriptions to its treatment plans at a low cost per acquisition, MDacne came to Snapchat to reach an engaged audience of teenagers and millennials. 

The Solution

MDacne leveraged Snap Ads to drive purchases of its skincare kits at scale. Using goal-based-bidding for installs, MDacne optimized its delivery to reach Snapchatters more likely to download the app. It also targeted interest groups like Beauty Mavens and lookalikes of its existing customers to efficiently reach Snapchatters who not only installed, but converted in-app into subscribers.
Snap Publisher, Snapchat’s free video editor, allowed MDacne to re-cut existing creative in order to quickly overlay text and add animations. This not only kept creative fresh, but allowed it to easily develop native-feeling Snap Ads without additional budget or design resources. 
In addition to the rich install reporting in Snapchat’s Ads Manager, MDacne partnered with the mobile measurement platform Adjust to track and attribute in-app purchases and calculate Snapchat’s cost per acquisition. With this in place, MDacne was able to confidently measure the ROI of its Snapchat spend and impact of its Snap Ad campaigns on its primary KPI.

The Results

Within weeks of running Snap Ads, MDacne saw that Snapchatters were not only installing the MDacne app, but converting to subscribers at a 30% lower cost per acquisition than it was seeing on other platforms. With this consistently strong performance, MDacne has shifted budget over to Snapchat, making it the company’s primary acquisition channel.