Unique Snapchatters
Total Impressions
Share Rate
McDonald’s Norway reaches 1.3 million unique Snapchatters with the country’s first chain filter
Unique Snapchatters
Total Impressions
Share Rate
McDonald’s mission is to “create moments of joy”. Every day, small moments of joy happen in McDonald’s restaurants that visitors capture and share on their smartphone camera. Knowing more pictures are taken through Snapchat’s camera than on iPhone's default camera, McDonald’s wanted to take part in the Snapchat conversation, create brand ambassadors and take ownership of the countless fun moments captured and shared on Snapchat.
That’s why they cooperated with Snapchat to become the first brand in Norway to run a chain filter for all its restaurants. Walk into any McDonald’s in Norway and there’s a special filter waiting for you that lets you add fun and contextual designs over your Snaps. The chain filter has seen some tremendous results.
From a simple ‘Currently at Maccern’ to a colourful anniversary themed filter celebrating the Big Mac turning 50 years old, the McDonald’s chain filter surprises restaurant visitors with new creative designs every time they walk through the door. This creative rotation ensures the chain filter stays fresh, fun and relevant to the holiday or campaign of the moment – just like a McD’s visit, really.
The McDonald’s chain filter was live all through 2018 on over 70 locations. It reached 1.3 million unique Snapchatters, with over 8.9 million total impressions. Furthermore, McDonald's achieved a share rate of 16%, proving Snapchatters are spending time with the brand, and leveraging the chain filters to enhance their Snaps & Stories.
Source: Snap Inc. internal data, Q1-Q4 2018.
We wish to be present on digital platforms that engage the consumer and give them the opportunity to play and interact with our brand. In such, Snapchat is a perfect fit. We are pleased with the results on our Snapchat filters and we see that McDonald’s is a brand that engages both our customers and the Snapchatters.
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