Lifesum Sees Incredible Full Funnel Performance Using Multiple Formats on Snap

lower cost per app install
lower cost per app lead
lower cost per app purchase
Lifesum is a leading global nutrition platform. With millions of users around the world, Lifesum is a trusted daily companion to help people achieve their health goals through better eating.
Their mobile application offers a variety of meal plans; personalized feedback and guidance, thousands of recipes, convenient fruit, vegetable and water trackers, a barcode scanner to easily track meals and more to make healthy eating as easy as possible.
The solution involved using multiple ad formats to drive brand and performance objectives all the way through the funnel. The company used a combination of Snap Ads, Stories and AR Lenses. At the top of the marketing funnel, Lifesum optimized towards impressions but were then able to capitalize on this to drive app installs and purchases lower down. In the lower part of the funnel, Lifesum succeeded to lower their CPA and CPI drastically due to their full-funnel approach, multi format usage and close collaboration with internal resources on Snap to set a go-to market strategy for their big push in January 2022.
By running a combination of brand placements together with direct response ads, the company saw significant increases in performance throughout the funnel.
Together, Lifesum and Snapchat achieved significantly lower costs through the whole funnel namely, 78% lower cost per install, 80% lower App cost per lead, 90% lower App cost per acquisition. 1
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