Success Story
Success Story

Hubble doubles subscriber growth while cutting CPA


subscriber growth month over month


lower CPA month over month


lower CPA using Pixel custom audiences

The Story

Hubble is a direct-to-consumer daily contact lens subscription service who is shaking up the contact industry with more affordable lenses and seamless monthly delivery. Hubble came to Snapchat with the goal of acquiring new subscribers, focusing on driving sign-ups for its two-week trial subscription.

The Solution

As contact lenses are not typically an impulse buy, many Hubble customers ultimately complete their subscription over multiple sessions and/or devices. With the Snap Pixel, Hubble was able to get a more complete picture of the customer journey from an initial impression to sign-up over the course of 28 days. 

Hubble was also able to use Pixel custom audiences to re-engage customers who visited its site but had not yet converted. Leveraging these audiences and lookalikes off of those who previously visited or signed up, Hubble was able to achieve an 82% lower CPA in Q1 than what it saw with standard targeting during the same period.  

Hubble’s punchy, GIF-like creative featured the product and a clear, singular message about its price advantage. These short but dynamic ads effectively captured the attention of Snapchatters and used a strong call-to-action to drive interested viewers straight to the sign-up page for their free trial.

The Results

On Snapchat, Hubble was able to achieve its CPA goals and reach new customers that it could not find on other platforms. This growth has continued to scale month over month, with the Snap Pixel allowing Hubble to seamlessly re-engage higher intent audiences from its website. This boost in measurement and targeting has empowered Hubble to nearly double its quarterly spend with Snapchat.