
Clearly used Snapchat to drive a 3.6% purchase lift with virtual try-on


purchase lift


lift in unique page viewers

The Story

Clearly, an eyewear retailer, was looking to introduce its brand to Snapchatters in a unique way. Leveraging a multi-product approach, Clearly produced a breakthrough campaign leveraging the Camera and Content to create an Augmented Reality virtual try-on and  seamless buying experience. 

Solution #1: Lens

The Lens brought a virtual try-on experience to Snapchatters. Toggling through five different glasses, Snapchatters could find the style they liked best and share a snap with their friends to garner opinions.

Snapchatters could also go straight to Clearly’s website to purchase the glasses online after their AR trial.

Solution #2: Video Ads

Clearly leaned into Snapchat’s content ad formats to focus on their traffic and conversion goals. A mix of Story Ads, Snap Ads, Collection Ads and Dynamic Ads were used to showcase the Clearly brand and offering in new ways. Snapchatters had a seamless buying experience, allowing them to swipe up or tap directly to the product pages.

The Results

Clearly was able to drive a full funnel impact for their brand, achieving a +7 point lift in brand awareness 3 and +5 point lift in brand consideration 3, while also driving a +46% fit in unique page viewers on their site 2 and a +3.6% lift in purchases 1

“Clearly’s investments in augmented reality for the virtual try-on experience led us to partner with Snapchat to increase our reach and engage a new audience. The results speak for themselves and we continue to partner with Snapchat on new ways to keep the audience informed and engaged as we drive our business goals.”

- Arak Bhokanandh, Vice President, Digital, Clearly

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