Bundeswehr: First to launch a Public Profile in Germany, accumulating 74k subscribers within 4 months


subscribers within 4 months

The Story:

Bundeswehr has continuously developed successful AR experiences to attract and show potential recruiters the different career opportunities available at the German Armed Forces. Bundeswehr was looking for a permanent home on Snapchat to showcase all of the previously built AR Lenses. By visiting the Bundeswehr Public Profile, now all Snapchatters can access and experience their AR Lenses at any time. 

The Solution:

The Public Profile presented a unique opportunity for the Bundeswehr to create a designated destination and expand their organic presence on Snapchat.

The Result:

The Bundeswehr was able to accumulate 74k subscribers within 4 months of launching their Public Profile. 1

1 Snap Inc internal data, May, 2021
1 Snap Inc internal data, May, 2021