A Perfect Fit: boohooMAN Boosted ROI by 37% with a 7/0 Campaign on Snapchat
boohooMAN Leveraged Snapchat
In 2016, popular online retailer boohoo brought its male clothing line to the masses. Aimed at fans of affordable fashion, boohooMAN set out to prove that style isn’t determined by price tag.
Eager to reach new customers and boost sales in the UK, the brand turned to Snapchat at the end of 2023. As boohooMAN’s KPIs are measured through Google Analytics using a 7-day last-click attribution, Snap needed to develop an effective direct response strategy, which ensured the results were measurable and attributable on a last-click basis.
Using a 7/0 Campaign
Opting for a multi-format approach, boohooMAN leveraged Snap Ads, Story Ads, and Collection Ads to drive conversions among males aged between 13 and 35. It also integrated its product catalog with Snapchat, using Dynamic Ads to showcase its range to Snapchatters based on their previous shopping and browsing behavior.
To optimise for last-click purchases effectively, the brand used Snapchat to capture purchase events on the boohooMAN website, including add to cart and purchases. By leveraging Snapchat’s Event Quality Score tool to assess the quality of Snap Pixel events returned by the brand’s website, boohooMAN could effectively improve data passback and match rate. Lastly, boohooMAN leveraged 7/0 Optimisation Window to optimise more effectively for last-click purchases and align better with their Google Analytics attribution window.
Driving Conversions Among its Target Audience
Compared to the original optimisation strategy in the UK market, boohooMAN achieved a 71% lower Cost-Per-Click, 1548% higher Click-Through-Rate and a 37% stronger Return on Investment, making its five-week Snapchat campaign an enormous success.
Its multi-product strategy allowed the brand to reach more incremental Snapchatters who spend time across different areas of the app. For example, it could reach Friends’ Story placement with Snap Ads and Discover placement with Story Ads, achieving efficient CPM.
boohooMAN effectively captured its target audience by ensuring its creatives showcased the brand, influencer, product line and consumer benefits within the first three seconds.
Furthermore, by improving the data passback and increasing Event Quality Score to 5.5, the brand had more quality purchase signals to optimize towards on Snapchat. Combining with 7/0 Optimisation Window, it effectively identified conversions that happened post-click and maximized sales and revenue accordingly.
Following the success of this campaign, boohooMAN expanded the strategy to the US market.
Optimizing the 7/0 attribution window enabled us to align performance more closely with our measurement methodology during the Black Friday sale. This strategic shift empowered us to gain more accurate insights, driving stronger performance and maximizing results.
Snapchat can help your business grow.