Success Story
Success Story

Bending Spoons drives downloads for its Apps on Snapchat


better ROI compared to goal 


install rate



The Story

Bending Spoons is an app publisher based in Italy. They partnered with Snapchat to drive measurable ROI and downloads across their different apps, including Read It, Female Fitness, and 30 Days Fitness. Their partnership has been proven a success, as they've been able to drive thousands of downloads on Snapchat every day. 

The Solution: Story Ads and Snap Ads

Bending Spoons was looking to drive installs at scale at a low CPI. They launched various Snap Ad and Story Ad campaigns across multiple markets, leveraging Snapchat’s targeting capabilities such as Lifestyle Categories and Lookalikes. Being an early adopter of Snapchat’s latest innovation, Story Ads, resulted in tremendous success, where they’ve seen consistent growth WoW with ROI of 160%. 
Bending Spoons also kept its creative fresh, regularly testing a mix of different styles, formats, and lengths which helped them understand how to optimize creative for Snapchat. Ultimately, smart targeting and relevant creative helped them effectively drive downloads at scale. 

The Results

Bending Spoons has generated over 300K installs for 30 Days Fitness. This has been done whilst achieving their CPI expectation.