4399 Games Achieves User Acquisition Goals Using Snapchat’s Optimization Features

Lower Cost per Sign-Up Than Other Platforms During Pre-Registration Period

Higher ROAS of App 7-0 for Android vs. BAU (App 28-1)

Higher iOS SKAN ROAS Than Other Platforms

Daily Spend Increase (in 3 Months)

4399 Games Turns to Snapchat to Reach New Users

4399 Games is a leading internet game developer, publisher, and platform operator in China. ​​In February 2024, the brand launched Legend of Mushroom, an entertaining role-playing game. Hoping to acquire a larger number of high-quality users in Europe and the United States, 4399 Games turned to Snapchat to tap into their massive user base of 850 million monthly active users. Leveraging the similarities between Snapchatters and Legend of Mushroom players, the brand aimed to reach their core target audience by partnering with Snap.

Using Ads and Snapchat's 7-0 Optimization Window

The collaboration began by directing users to landing pages to reach highly motivated registrants during the pre-registration phase. 4399 Games also used Snap Ads to attract potential new users and encourage them to download the game. Additionally, the brand tapped into Snap’s goal-based bidding strategy to optimize delivery. On Snap’s recommendation, 4399 Games used the 7-0 optimization feature (when they typically used the 28-1 optimization) for their Android campaigns, effectively reducing CPI while improving ROAS. For iOS, the brand opted for a different strategy, using SKAN + Install to successfully acquire a large number of core iOS users in Europe and the US.

Achieving a Higher ROAS and Lower CPA

By being intentional with their campaign strategy, 4399 Games saw success with their Snapchat campaign. During the pre-registration period, the brand achieved a 20% lower CPA than on other platforms. For Android, using the 7-0 optimization resulted in a 110% higher ROAS than when the business as usual 28-1 option is used. And for the iOS SKAN, 4399 Games achieved an ROAS 20% higher than other platforms. Finally, daily spend increased by 6230% over three months! With these impressive results, 4399 Games plans to explore more opportunities with Snap in the future, including regional expansion, creative partnerships, and even greater collaboration beyond user acquisition.

Snap has been our surprise partner this year. Collaborating with the Snap team has helped us acquire high-quality target users in Europe and North America, with particularly outstanding results during the pre-registration period. On Android, we utilized Snap’s recommended App 7-0 feature, which exceeded our expectations. We look forward to exploring more collaboration opportunities with Snap in the future.

Simon, Overseas Publish Director at 4399 Games