January 09, 2023
January 09, 2023

Snapchat plays pivotal role in path to purchase [FR] | Snapchat for Business

Today, the path to purchase is more complex than ever before with Shoppers moving in and out of consideration and purchase quickly. Even in a fast moving shopping environment with dozens of touchpoints across the path to purchase, new research shows that Snapchat is central in the path to purchase and should be a key part of any media plan.

A quantitative and qualitative research study, conducted by independent research consultancy firm Alter Agents in several markets in Europe, reveals the extent to which shopping and purchase behaviour is influenced by close connections. It also illuminates the impact of Snapchat throughout the decision and purchase journey for key categories: Retail, Beauty, and Technology.

Close friends crucial for purchase in France

While shoppers in France rely on many sources of information, close friends play a pivotal role. In fact, 92% of Shoppers say they trust the opinions of close friends over influencers and celebrities.

Moreover, without recommendations from close connections on Snapchat, 52% of them would not have considered and 36% would not have made purchases. This means that Shoppers are more likely to discover, consider and purchase because of close connections on Snapchat than any other social or digital media app.

Snapchat used throughout the journey

Close connections are consulted in the beginning for inspiration and research, and one-in-five daily Snapchatters send snaps of products to friends before and after they make a purchase, demonstrating the central role of Snapchat in purchase decisions. Other sources are used at different moments of the journey, for example, advertising is used towards the end of the shopping process.

Path to purchase is not linear 

Most purchases, across several categories, are occurring within one week of initial product and brand exposure, with the average Shopper taking two to three days. This study reveals that the path to purchase is not linear. Shoppers might start with discovery where they are learning about a product or brand, then spend time thinking about a product in the consideration phase. They do specific research around product benefits and price and then they share with others sometimes before and sometimes after they purchase, and all of this happens in the lead up to them deciding on a product and making a purchase.

Snapchat - a performance powerhouse 

82% of Daily Snapchatters learn about products from brands on social or digital media apps, and 73% of Daily Snapchatters have purchased from a brand after a direct interaction on Snapchat, illustrating the real opportunity for brands. After seeing ads on Snapchat, two-in-five Daily Snapchatters are inspired to follow up with different actions including making a purchase, using branded AR lenses, exploring new products, using branded AR filters, sharing branded content, visiting a brand's website or store, following brands, and recommending to a friend. 

Snapchat - a must on media plan

As we have seen from this research, close connections on Snapchat are vital when it comes to the purchase journey. These findings demonstrate an incredible opportunity for brands on Snapchat, and Shoppers are eager for brands to deliver on their content and research needs throughout the path to purchase. Ensure Snap is part of the media plan so your brand is top of mind for Snapchatters to discuss with their close connections and ultimately drive more purchases.

Reports are available for each of the categories the research ran across in France: Technology, Retail, and Beauty. If you are interested in a specific report please reach out to your Snap representative.

Snapchat can help your small, medium, or large business grow.

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1 Source: Path to Purchase Study conducted by Alter Agents, July-September 2022, France
1 Source: Path to Purchase Study conducted by Alter Agents, July-September 2022, France