April 28, 2022
April 28, 2022

Go Beyond Last Click with Snapchat

With the emergence of digital marketing came a new era of measurement, allowing advertisers to gain new insights into exactly what tactics and platforms were driving conversions for their business.  This has led to a wide-spread belief that swipe-through or last click conversions are the final source of truth for a campaign’s performance.  But for many companies and categories, the distance between a click or swipe and a conversion is much further.  When looking at goods and services with longer purchase cycles, it becomes critical to understand the multi-faceted ways in which a consumer begins to build a relationship with a brand, and all of the ways by which they interact that ultimately lead to a sale. When your customer’s purchase journey can span a week, a month, or even a year, how can you ensure that you’re placing the right value on your media buy, and all of the interactions and impressions that help lead your customers down the purchase funnel? To help provide more insight into the value driven by every impression on Snapchat, we partnered with research firm Goodques to understand all the ways in which brands are able to drive value with their media on our platform.  

Through our research, we were able to identify two key pieces of information: how our community feels about and interacts with Snapchat, as well as the different ways by which Snapchatters engage with and purchase from brands.   

For our community, Snapchat is their happy place - a place where they connect with friends and family.  And this connection isn’t passive, Snapchatters come to the app and actively engage, sharing as much content as they receive. This spirit of sharing and connection creates a natural home for brands to enter the conversation, providing an opportunity to enter directly into a Snapchatters’ inner circle and begin to establish a relationship with them. And with Snapchatters 30% more likely to make a purchase on social media compared to non-Snapchatters, it’s more important than ever for your brand to be present on Snapchat.1

Intrinsically Happy, Unequivocally Real

A large part of what makes Snapchat such a natural fit for brands is that our community feels happy on our platform. 95% of Snapchatters agree that Snapchat helps them stay connected to friends and family.2 And on Snapchat, these connections are real and honest - 87% of Snapchatters agree that they can be fully themselves on Snapchat.3 With an environment designed to spark meaningful and authentic connections, it’s no wonder that Snapchat was ranked #1 as the happiest platform.4

This is also a key reason that brands find so much success on our platform, as reaching consumers when they're feeling "upbeat" can increase the effectiveness of digital advertising by 40%.5

Designed to Join In

As our community comes to Snapchat throughout their day to connect with their inner circle, it provides brands a home to join in on the fun, and drive meaningful business results.  In fact, 1 in 2 Snapchatters think it’s fun to see brands on Snapchat.6 What’s more, 82% of Snapchatters actively engage with brands, creating more opportunity for your business to drive influence and purchases.7 

Our ad formats were designed and developed to help brands embrace that connection. With solutions spanning across both Camera and Content, our formats allow brands to reach Snapchatters in different mindsets. Whether you want to drive engagement by allowing Snapchatters to interact with a brand through AR Lenses, or build Awareness using video ads on our Discover tab, your brand can drive full funnel results. 

As Snapchatters engage with your brand, they’re being primed to purchase, moving further down the funnel.  In fact, Snapchatters that discover new brands, follow brands, or use branded AR were more likely to make a big purchase, like a laptop, a smart phone, or even a car.8

The Right Tools For The Right Questions

In knowing how each engagement with your brand leads Snapchatters closer to purchase, you can start to see how your buy on Snapchat goes beyond a single impression, and starts to build a relationship that drives purchases and sales.  And as you market your brand on Snapchat, we have a breadth of tools and methods to answer performance related questions that are specific to your core businesses. Just like a month-long purchase journey to buying your next car, every touch point your brand has with our community on Snapchat adds incremental value to your media buy.  But don’t just take our word for it - with a focused and targeted approach to measuring and optimizing performance, you can understand just how valuable all of these brand moments are for your business. 

1 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Question 20: Have you ever made a big purchase after discovering a brand on social media? Please select for each channel.”
2 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Think about WHY you use the social media you do. What is your primary reason for being on that platform?”, Question: “Think about why you use Snapchat, and please select how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.”
3 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc.
4 Source: Wakefield, J.R.H., Sani, F., Madhok, V. et al. The Relationship Between Group Identification and Satisfaction with Life in a Cross-Cultural Community Sample. J Happiness Stud 18, 785–807 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-016-9735-z; 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Think about how you feel when you’re using social media. Please match each platform to the emotion you feel BEST matches your feelings when visiting that platform.”
5 Campaign, “Reaching consumers in the right mood could make digital ads 40% more effective”, March 14, 2017.
6 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Overall, do you like hearing from brands on social media?”
7 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Think about different brands you come across while you browse social media platforms. How do you interact with brands on the following platforms?”
8 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Think about different brands you come across while you browse social media platforms. How do you interact with brands on the following platforms?”, Question: “Which of the following actions have you taken after seeing an advertisement for a car that piqued your interest on social media?, Question: “Which of the following actions have you taken after seeing an advertisement for a laptop?”, Question: “Which of the following actions have you taken after seeing an advertisement for a smartphone brand?”, Question: “Which of the following actions have you taken after seeing an advertisement for a phone plan?”, Question: “Which of the following actions have you taken after seeing an advertisement for a bank?”
1 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Question 20: Have you ever made a big purchase after discovering a brand on social media? Please select for each channel.”
2 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Think about WHY you use the social media you do. What is your primary reason for being on that platform?”, Question: “Think about why you use Snapchat, and please select how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.”
3 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc.
4 Source: Wakefield, J.R.H., Sani, F., Madhok, V. et al. The Relationship Between Group Identification and Satisfaction with Life in a Cross-Cultural Community Sample. J Happiness Stud 18, 785–807 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-016-9735-z; 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Think about how you feel when you’re using social media. Please match each platform to the emotion you feel BEST matches your feelings when visiting that platform.”
5 Campaign, “Reaching consumers in the right mood could make digital ads 40% more effective”, March 14, 2017.
6 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Overall, do you like hearing from brands on social media?”
7 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Think about different brands you come across while you browse social media platforms. How do you interact with brands on the following platforms?”
8 Source: 2021 Goodques Path to Purchase study commissioned by Snap Inc. Question: “Think about different brands you come across while you browse social media platforms. How do you interact with brands on the following platforms?”, Question: “Which of the following actions have you taken after seeing an advertisement for a car that piqued your interest on social media?, Question: “Which of the following actions have you taken after seeing an advertisement for a laptop?”, Question: “Which of the following actions have you taken after seeing an advertisement for a smartphone brand?”, Question: “Which of the following actions have you taken after seeing an advertisement for a phone plan?”, Question: “Which of the following actions have you taken after seeing an advertisement for a bank?”