Allyship is an important part of Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month for Snapchatters and brands alike
Snapchatters say brands have a responsibility to condemn racism, hate, and discrimination.

May marks the beginning of Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month in the US and Canada. 1 With the sharp rise in anti-Asian violence over the last year, Snapchatters see this month as an especially important time to rally around their peers in Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities.
We surveyed Snapchatters in the US and Canada to learn how they’ll celebrate Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month and how they expect brands to engage now and in the future. We found from many Snapchatters a desire to educate themselves about API communities and see brands commit to fighting racial discrimination publicly. Nearly 3 in 5 Snapchatters say brands have a responsibility to condemn racism, hate, and discrimination. 2
Snapchatters recognize the need for ongoing learning about other cultures, and they are using the month of May to educate themselves and become better allies to API communities. 3

Checking out resources and talking to others about their experiences is one way Snapchatters are showing their support. They don’t shy away from difficult conversations either—the majority of Snapchatters feel informed about world events, and nearly 30% of Snapchatters report having conversations about recent anti-Asian violence with family or friends. 4
Snapchatters are also reflecting their support through what they buy. Over a quarter of Snapchatters in the US and CA will show their support this month at Asian-owned businesses. 5
Snapchatters believe that their actions can make a difference in social causes, and they expect brands to step up in solidarity with API communities too. 6
According to Snapchatters in Canada (46%) and the US (39%), the most important step brands can take during Asian Pacific Islander Heritage month is to speak out against anti-Asian hate crimes. 7 Snapchatters value kindness and inclusivity, and they’d like to see the same from brands.
Simply “speaking out” isn’t enough though. Over a third of Snapchatters across the US and Canada want to see brands sharing educational materials, and a quarter want to see brands donate to support API communities, provide inspiration to celebrate, and partner or host events alongside nonprofit organizations. 8 Offering resources on allyship and fighting anti-Asian discrimination can help empower Snapchatters to take action and live up to their values.

Social and communication apps have a role to play, too. More than 3 out of 5 Snapchatters across the US and Canada agree these apps can drive awareness and action in support of communities experiencing hate and discrimination. 9
Nearly 6 in 10 Snapchatters plan to use Snapchat during Asian Pacific Islander Heritage Month to expand their support of API communities, whether that’s by seeking out Asian content creators or watching new content on Discover. 10 Lenses and Filters and connecting with friends and family are also popular ways for Snapchatters to celebrate API communities and participate in important conversations. 11
The Lens designs this year celebrate Asian, Pacific Islander and Desi Americans or the "APIDA" community. APIDA is a newer term that is building awareness and is more inclusive of the diversity of the Asian community.

To #StopAsianHate, nearly 3 out of 5 North American Snapchatters want to see brands continue to take action in support of API communities beyond the month of May. 12 Almost half of Snapchatters in Canada (48%) and the US (45%) said they want brands to publicly commit to supporting diversity, and they would like to see more external campaigns to raise awareness. 13 Change also needs to happen on an institutional level, and Snapchatters want brands to start facilitating more internal discussions about inclusivity and addressing workplace bias. 14

It is time for brands to jump into tough conversations, condemn anti-Asian violence, and celebrate API communities. Snapchatters want to make society better for the next generation. To do that takes hard work, and Snapchatters are looking to brands for inspiration and commitment.
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