It's time for an
Augmentality Shift
When it comes to Augmented Reality and its full potential, brands are missing out by only seeing the tip of the iceberg. We have research to help view AR through a different lens.
We teamed up with Ipsos for our biggest Augmented Reality research study to date, covering 16 markets and speaking to over 25,000 people to uncover what consumers and brands really think about AR (1,794 people from the US 1). Our research revealed more than just numbers – it unveiled the accelerating expectations of consumers, unearthing the significant gap between consumers and brands. The technology is here, the consumers are fluent, and your competition is onboard. But don’t just take our word for it...
The AR revolution has arrived. By 2025, around 60% of the U.S. population and and almost all people who use social / communications apps will be frequent AR users. 2

AR is also a powerful tool to enrich the world around you, connect with others and fuel self-improvement.

AR enables brands to fuel seamless experiences along the consumer journey; from building awareness through to long-term loyalty.

Thanks to its immersive “try-on” technology, AR gives consumers confidence about how a product will look and fit, enabling them to make more accurate choices. This can result in less returns, helping brands to save money and reduce their environmental impact overall. Brands and consumers already using AR see the potential.
78% of brands claim the number of returns a customer makes will be reduced by AR. 11
The possibilities are endless and consumers are already exploring these new AR horizons. It’s time for brands to take a bold step forward.

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