Discover Video on Snapchat

Discover is Snapchat’s destination for always-on, curated, mobile-first entertainment. From original series and made-for-mobile episodes of popular TV shows, to the world’s most lucrative news, sports, and cultural moments — it’s all ready to be discovered on Snapchat.

With 363M daily active users, our community is connected and watching.

5M Snapchatters tune in their favourite shows on the platform. Partners like LadBible and Jungle Creations produce award winning, full-screen, fast-paced, hyper-visual shows made exclusively for Snapchat, and Snapchatters are watching.

From reality documentaries to scripted series, Snapchatters' favourite content touches on a range of themes like beauty, comedy, culture, mental health, and more.

Reach an engaged, influential and happy audience, on Snapchat. 

Snapchatters pay twice as much active attention to full-screen, vertical video ads on Snapchat compared to the benchmark across all the other similar formats. And this is because ads on our platform are found to be less intrusive, less interruptive and less annoying. 

Snap’s association with happy is 14% higher than other platforms1 and 91% of Snapchatters trust the opinions of close friends over influencers and celebrities.2

A happier audience is a more engaged and influential one, and with ads being more creative, personal and emotional than the average AV, on Snapchat brands have an opportunity to leave a mark. 

There’s More to Discover

Snapchat is an entertainment powerhouse right in the palm of your hand.
Check out what content we have in store for 2023...

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Download the resources below to help plan your video campaigns with Snapchat and get noticed by a young and influential audience of mobile viewers.

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1 Neuro-Insight nPLICIT, n=435, other platforms: Instagram, TikTok, Facebook. Nov 2022: Emotional Influence study comissioned by Snap.
2 2022 global Alter Agents research comissioned by Snap Inc