Learn Why Your Brand’s Ads Are More Relevant to Snapchatters
Snapchat was built for personal connections. Learn how the platform is fostering an environment where authenticity, self expression and happiness thrive, and what that means for brands.

We’re going to call it as we see it: people are just plain happier when they’re using Snapchat. It’s that simple. And when people are happier, engagements and connections are way stronger and far more meaningful.
And this isn’t just some random opinion we conjured up. It’s all facts. Here’s how and why we’re making these claims and what it means for brands:
It's easy to sign up and start watching hours and hours of user generated content (UGC) on other social media apps without knowing anyone beforehand. All it takes is a username and voila, you can instantly start engaging with content.
On the flip side, Snapchat relies on a close circle of friends to deliver a truly satisfying experience.
Trust us, we know relationships…
A Snapchatter can always explore or scroll through Discover or Spotlight content but we believe to get the true Snapchat experience, connecting with your closest friends and family is the way to go.
Why? Because close friends are incredibly valuable and, more importantly, they make you happy. That’s a feeling we believe makes for a stronger, more intentional environment.
Think about it. If you’re engaging in a deep (Snapchat) conversation with your bestie you’re more dialed in than any other conversation you may have. Why? Because it's your closest connections who provide you with a sense of belonging, purpose and happiness.
As we help people build stronger relationships, our approach is based on a quality over quantity mindset.

While Snapchatters have the ability to add and connect with whoever they want on the platform, Snapchat was built to foster an environment where intentions and engagements are inherently stronger, and we find that this happens when Snapchatters are connected with their closest friends.
What we mean is that when Snapchatters choose to connect with their close friends and family, Snapchatters are not only more likely to be authentic in how they express themselves, but they’re likely to engage more often and be more dialed in.
This approach has also led Snapchat to become a go-to app to feel happy, especially as more than ever before, Snapchatters value relationships.
In fact, according to our latest Snapchat Generation report, 4 in 5 Snapchatters agree that connecting with close friends is the simplest way to feel happier. 1

When we talk about happiness on Snapchat, we talk about all the experiences that lead up to that one feeling. Part of those experiences include the great moments and the not so great moments, but that’s where we stand true to our whole spiel about authenticity and self expression on the app.
Whether a Snapchatter is looking for advice, wanting to celebrate a life moment, or simply down in the dumps, Snapchat offers up a multitude of communication formats (Chat, Stories, Video calls, etc.) for Snapchatters to express themselves authentically, especially in the moment.
But it’s the community that Snapchatters garner and the positive encouragement that come with it that ultimately allow users to feel happier while in the app.
While there’s loads of research out there that supports the assertion that close friendships are necessary for optimal health and well-being, we wanted to dig a bit deeper to see how that translates on Snapchat.
Today, we report that 91% of Snapchatters feel happy when using the app 2 but how?
Our latest Emotional Influence research was conducted in partnership with Neuro-Insight to test four social media platforms, including Snapchat, using neuroscience and other implicit techniques. Even though all the platforms tested were considered fun, authentic and happy to some extent, it was concluded that Snapchat is the happier app. In fact, on average, Snapchat scored 14 points higher than the other social platforms, including Instagram, TikTok and Facebook on the basis of implicit or unconscious associations with the word “happy.” 3
Furthermore, Snapchat’s stronger association with happiness led to higher than average benchmark neuro-positivity. What does that mean? It simply means that Snapchatters are more leaned into the content they are consuming and remember more details within the app.
So, not only were we able to support that Snapchat fosters an environment for meaningful connections but we also found that Snapchatters are more “in the zone” while in app and are more likely to remember experiences that take place on Snapchat.
Compared to other apps that tend to be more entertainment focused, Snapchat is a more intentional platform. This means Snapchatters are more dialed in, more zoned in, and are more receptive to ads for a longer amount of time.
But there’s more. When it comes to Snapchat ads, Snapchatters find them to be more personally relevant. And when Snapchatters find content more relevant, they engage more. In fact, we found that Snapchat saw Neuro engagement scores that were 62% higher than Facebook and 32% higher than TikTok. 4
Where Snapchat can make the difference: As advertisements in-app are found to be more personally relevant, brands are more likely to sit favorably amongst Snapchatters.
What does that mean? In layman's terms, Snapchatters dig brands who advertise on Snapchat.
We love this question. The easy answer here would be to check out our advertising opportunities but we feel there’s a little more information needed to make the juice worth the squeeze.
When specifically targeting Gen Z – a digitally native generation of shoppers, we found that this demographic expects more from the content they engage with compared to past generations, and they’re also more complex than we think.
Gen Z consumes more content than any other generation, and the primary reason is to stay up to date. At the same time, they have a real desire to associate with brands that not only meet their needs, but also align with their core values and motivations, as well as lift their spirits.
Since most Snapchatters are Gen Zers, it’s critical for brands to form a true, authentic relationship with this generation.

This notion jumps even higher to nearly 70% among Snapchatters who are digitally interacting with brands more now than before the pandemic. 6

Brands can do this through brand purpose messaging which allows you to get your brand’s “why” – your reason for being and what you stand for – beyond just turning a profit, out there. This approach really resonates with Gen Z, especially on Snapchat.
Once brands have the right message, it’s time to package it within content experiences Snapchatters love most – Discover, Stories and the Camera on Snapchat.
And for brands looking to hit specific parts of the marketing funnel – awareness, consideration and, of course, conversion, there’s an ad format for that.
But for brands who want to meet Snapchatters at the core of the Snapchat experience, through the camera, augmented reality (AR) is where it’s at. From filtered lenses to AR try-on experiences, this is an experience Snapchatters truly get excited about.
Brands who lean into AR have a greater chance on Snapchat to embed themselves into the everyday experiences of a Snapchatter. Brands that successfully do so, speak the same language as Snapchatters and align with their values.
The short answer here is no.
For brands and marketers who think that the Snapchat approach to social media can be limiting when trying to create brand impact, that sentiment couldn’t be farther from the truth.
While other apps are known to be hyper focused on consumption, such as the endless scroll of UGC, Snapchat is more focused on intentional engagements, such as sending Snaps to one another or chatting via the chat feature, or even calling!
Anyway, with this “in the zone” state of mind, as mentioned above, Snapchatters are more likely to remember brands and moments that appear or take place within the app.
How all of this translates to happiness on Snapchat:
Encouraging an environment where Snapchatters can connect with their closest friends and family but also express their true and authentic selves, is just the beginning of the Snapchat experience.
For Snapchatters to fulfill their need to feel up-to-date, brands have an opportunity to embed themselves into everyday experiences on the app. Whether you’re a media company looking to promote new and upcoming content, a direct-to-consumer (DTC) brand looking to become the next coveted brand by Gen Z, or the next form of cryptocurrency, there’s an opportunity for brands like you on Snapchat to find alignment with the Snapchat Generation.
Now more than ever is the time for brands to find true and authentic alignment with a generation that continues to hold more global purchasing power. To achieve this, brands need to be open, honest and clear with their goals, motivations and values.
Now that you’re armed with the actionable information you need to be successful on Snapchat, it’s time to make the juice worth the squeeze by checking out our advertising opportunities.
The Snapchat Generation 2022
This report helps advertisers and marketers gain a better understanding of what makes our audience and platform unique. Inside the report, you’ll find highlights on how the Snapchat Generation is redefining the shopping experience, seeking to build better connections with brands, and sharing every moment along the way.
Want to find out more about the Snapchat Generation and Gen Z? Our next post will dive more deeply into how Snapchatters are laying the landing for the future of shopping.
Interested in the nitty gritty? Here are the details behind the report:
The Snapchat Generation report, a Snap Inc. and Crowd DNA collaboration, examines the behaviors and values of Daily Snapchatters aged 13+, in Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, India, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, and the United States.
Snap Inc. and Crowd DNA surveyed over 19,000 people, interviewed youth experts, and followed leading-edge members of the Snapchat Generation in a weeklong mobile ethnography to better understand what matters most to them. The Snapchat Generation is redefining the shopping experience, seeking to build better connections with brands, and sharing every moment along the way. Snapchat is where consumers turn to share their joy.
Snapchat can help your business grow.