Back to School 2022 | Resource Center
Back to School 2022 | Resource Center

Snap to School is in Session

The how, where, and what of back-to-school shopping has changed… and it’s gotten harder to predict what it will look like each year. Learn everything you need to ace back to school on Snapchat.

Snap to School is now in session.

If back to school no longer looks like it once did, what does it look like?

Connect with our unparalleled student and parent audience

Back-to-school shopping has changed. Learn everything you need to ace back to school on Snapchat.

Snapchatters spend 1.8x more than Non-Snapchatters.1

Snapchatters share more back-to-school moments than non-Snapchatters.

Keep your brand top of mind from inspiration to purchase


In the months before school starts, Snapchatters are looking for brands that will help them feel confident going into the new year. They’re asking their friends and parents for advice, and finding out about great deals through word of mouth. This the most important time for you to show up meaningfully and often.

83% of Snapchatter students and 93% of Snapchatter parents research back-to-school products.4


A change of routine is hard enough - shoppers want back to school shopping to be easy and convenient. Snapchat provides a seamless experience for them to see it, like it, and then buy it — all from our app.

Last back to school season, Snapchatters who were exposed to both an AR Lens and a Snap Ad drove 100% higher landing page and add-to-cart rates vs. users who only saw a Snap Ad.5


Snapping their new back-to-school outfits and gear is embedded into Snapchatters’ daily routines. More sharing doesn’t just mean more consistent engagement, it means more opportunities for brands to break through the noise and own the conversation.

Snapchat is the #1 platform for sharing purchases they love or when shopping.6

Take shoppers from “this looks good” to “this looks good on me” or “this looks good in here.” 

Back-to-school shopping has changed. Learn everything you need to ace back to school on Snapchat.
Drive conversion with seamless try-on

Augmented Reality (AR) on Snapchat not only gives consumers a new way to discover and try products, it also offers brands seamless and immersive ways to connect with shoppers — solving the friction both face.

Snapchatter students are
1.9x more
likely to use AR try-on for back-to-school shopping than non-Snapchatters.7

of Snapchatter parents say they frequently use AR for their back-to-school shopping.8

Back-to-school shopping has changed. Learn everything you need to ace back to school on Snapchat.
Create a virtual storefront

Let your audience walk through your store from the comfort of their own home. A virtual storefront is your brand’s one-stop back-to-school shop where engaged Snapchatter students and parents alike can go to discover and share your products.

AR on Snapchat is
1.7x more immersive
than AR on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok.9

Join the back-to-school hype

Be part of every back-to-school moment — from preparation through the first day of school — by creating brand experiences in the camera that allow Snapchatters to express their excitement and anticipation for the school year ahead.

of Snapchatter parents like to talk to their friends about what they’ve bought for back to school (compared to 36% of non-Snapchatters).10

Create a Brand Profile

Let Snapchatters try out your AR Lenses — even after your campaign is over. Public Profiles for Businesses provide one central location for consumers to check out your Lenses, content, and products. In essence, it's your brand’s digital flagship store — one that exists in perpetuity for shoppers to come back and be inspired time and time again. It is an invaluable addition to your paid digital strategy.

Snap to Class

Back-to-school shopping has changed. Learn everything you need to ace back to school on Snapchat.
Principles of Owning and Entering the Back-to-School Zeitgeist

An analysis of how new Back-to-School and Snapchat Generation research can be applied to create comprehensive and compelling campaigns, with an emphasis on the motivation and behaviors of student and parent shoppers.

Back-to-school shopping has changed. Learn everything you need to ace back to school on Snapchat.
Snap AR Through a Back-to-School Lens

We’ll be leveling up your Snap AR basics to back-to-school heights. You’ll leave being a savvy, full-funnel back-to-school AR marketer.

Back-to-school shopping has changed. Learn everything you need to ace back to school on Snapchat.
1 2021 empatiX Consulting study commissioned by Snap Inc. “In which of the following categories did you make a purchase for back-to-school this year? Please think about the purchases you made and that your parents/family made for you.” and “How much did you spend within each category for back-to-school this year? Select the range that fits with your best estimate for each category.” Base: Snapchatters (n=619), Non-Snapchatters (n=342)
2 2021 empatiX Consulting study commissioned by Snap Inc.“Which of the following is true for you?” Base: Snapchatter Parents + Students (n=619), Non-Snapchatter Parents + Students (n=342)
3 2021 empatiX Consulting study commissioned by Snap Inc. “Please indicate your use of each of the following for back to school shopping.” Base: Snapchatter Students (n=474), Student Users Of Competitor Apps (n=385); Base: Snapchatter Parents (n=145), Parent users of competitor apps (n=285); Competitor apps include Instagram, Tik Tok, Facebook/Facebook Messenger, Twitter, YouTube, and WhatsApp.
4 2021 empatiX Consulting study commissioned by Snap Inc. “How much do you do each of the following when it comes to back-to-school shopping?” Base: Snapchatter Students (n=474), Non-Snapchatter Students (n=171) Base: Snapchatter Parents (n=145), Non-Snapchatter Parents (n=171) 2Snap Inc. internal data September 1 - September 30, 2021 32022 Global Crowd DNA Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Snapchatters N = 8,100, Non-Snapchatters N = 9,216 | Q: Which of the following moments do you enjoy sharing or celebrating on each app? (NET: When I’ve bought something I love, When I’m shopping)
5 Snap Inc. internal data Sept. 1–30, 2021.
6 2022 Global Crowd DNA Study commissioned by Snap Inc. | Base: Snapchatters N = 8,100, Non-Snapchatters N = 9,216 | Q: Which of the following moments do you enjoy sharing or celebrating on each app? (NET: When I’ve bought something I love, When I’m shopping)
7 2021 empatiX Consulting study commissioned by Snap Inc. “Please indicate your use of each of the following for back to school shopping.” Base: Snapchatter Students (n=474), Non-Snapchatter Students (n=145); “Which of the following, if any, do you like to do?” Base: Snapchatter Students (n=474), Non-Snapchatter Students (n=164)
8 2021 empatiX Consulting study commissioned by Snap Inc. “Please indicate your use of each of the following for back to school shopping.” Base: Snapchatter Parents (n=145), Non-Snapchatter Parents (n=171); “Which of the following, if any, do you like to do?” Base: Snapchatter Parents (n=145), Non-Snapchatter Parents (n=166)
9 Alter Agents research commissioned by Snap, Inc. 2021.
10 2021 empatiX Consulting study commissioned by Snap Inc. “How much do you do each of the following when it comes to back-to-school shopping?” Base: Snapchatter Parents (n=145)