August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022

Valyōu Furniture boosts reach, lowers advertising costs, and amplifies purchases on Snapchat.



The Story

Valyōu Furniture provides quality furniture at an affordable price, making in-demand designs more accessible. Looking to connect with tech-savvy customers, Valyōu Furniture uses Snapchat to expand reach and awareness around their intended audiences. Snapchat’s advanced features and affordability also keep their costs per action low, boost purchases, and enhance brand equity.

The Solution

From day one, Valyōu Furniture wanted to drive customer actions like swipe ups and page views for their business. Through goal-based bidding on Snapchat, they began scaling, analyzing creative, and engaging audiences toward these goals. The result? Better conversion rates, more creative insights, lower costs, and increased purchases.

With Snapchat’s Video Ads, Collection Ads, and Dynamic Product Ads, Valyōu Furniture showcases products effectively and uses swipe-up features to lead customers directly to the right product or page. They also regularly swap out creative to boost impressions and grow retargeting audiences while driving 80% of prospecting audiences via Snapchat’s vertical format.

Custom Audiences on Snapchat give Valyōu Furniture a way to broadly target Snapchatters using Lookalike Audiences and Predefined Audiences, as well as Pixel Audiences and Web Events Audiences for specific retargeting. Through Audience Insights, Valyōu Furniture monitors the data, demographics, and engagement from these Snapchatters. By analyzing the results and scaling, Valyōu Furniture can optimize audiences, refine targeting, and reduce costs.

Valyōu Furniture also offers unique product demos and an immersive commerce experience for customers with Snapchat’s AR and Filters. Along with Snapchat Lifestyle and user-generated content, these tech features give Snapchatters a creative way to picture themselves using new products, helping to increase engagement and boost sales.

The Result

When comparing platforms, Valyōu Furniture sees Snapchat as the most cost-effective choice, providing a low cost per click and consistently ranking as one of their highest performing channels for return on ad spend (80x ROAS). Valyōu Furniture also benefits from the high engagement and rich data they receive from Snapchat, as well as advanced split testing and audience voting to improve advertising.

Snapchat has helped Valyōu Furniture shape their brand to what it is now. Through unique ad formats, AR, Filters, and Audience Insights, Valyōu Furniture continues to expand reach, optimize their bidding, and boost sales on Snapchat.

"As a fresh and exciting start-up, Snapchat allowed us to get in front of a highly-targeted, tech-savvy e-commerce audience at a lower cost per action."

- Eddie Castillo, Chief Marketing Officer, Valyōu Furniture

1 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of May - December 2021.
1 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of May - December 2021.