Tinder Germany decreases Cost per Completed View with Snapchat Commercials 


Lower CPCV vs. Snap Ads


Lower CPCV than benchmark

The Story

With ‘Single not Sorry’ Tinder started a new (brand) Campaign that promotes being single as an attitude to life. In a series of ads, the dating app brings the facets of single life across. Whether that means going on exciting dates or living the best life with a group of friends, the campaign shows that being single stands for adventure, fun and self-discovery. Tinder wanted to reach Gen Z and Millennials and bring the new proposition across with its campaign on Snapchat. The KPI was CPCV and we needed to decrease it significantly. 

The Solution

We advised to use Commercials, as Commercials are six seconds forced views and enable brands to bring a longer message across in a premium environment. Commercials are placed in shows - our source for content that is brand safe, hand curated and specifically made for Snapchat.
With a series of four ads, in which you can see singles embracing their freedom, Tinder showed Snapchatters that you can celebrate to be single!

The Results

The campaign was a success: By leveraging Snapchat’s Commercials format, Tinder Germany was able to decrease its Cost per Completed View (CPCV) by >9x vs. their Snap Ads Campaigns. As a result Tinder beat its CPCV goals by >4x. 1

"With the suite of ad formats available, Snapchat is the ideal platform for us to efficiently reach Gen Z. We found that by leveraging Snapchat Commercials in our campaigns we were able to outperform our CPCV goals and significantly increase awareness within our target audience.”

Markus Krätzschmar, Marketing Director Germany, Tinder

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1 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of May 27, 2020. Addressable reach, location, and age data are subject to limitations. See https://businesshelp.snapchat.com/en-US/a/audience-size-tool for details.
1 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of May 27, 2020. Addressable reach, location, and age data are subject to limitations. See https://businesshelp.snapchat.com/en-US/a/audience-size-tool for details.