October 22, 2022
October 22, 2022

Swisscom Promotes Launch of “blue” With Snapchat Lenses and Commercials


above average total lens playtime with French-Language Lens in Switzerland


above average total lens playtime in German-language Lens in Switzerland


of Commercials views run to completion

The Story
Swisscom, a telecommunications provider in Switzerland, is on a mission to make the possibilities of a more connected world accessible, easy to use, and relevant. To promote the launch of their new B2C product portfolio, “blue,” Swisscom leveraged Snapchat Lenses and Commercials. The brand also targeted Snapchat’s unique and engaged audience in Switzerland to drive awareness and prove that with blue, everything is better, simpler, and more attractive.

The Solution
To reach the key under-40 demographic and build awareness for blue, Swisscom partnered with Httpool — Snapchat’s sales partner — and SocialSnack — Snapchat’s creative partner — to develop a custom Lens. The Lens welcomed users to Swisscom’s new “blue Space” by encouraging them to engage with the brand in various augmented reality (AR) environments. Snapchatters could try on blue shades, relax in a gamer chair, imagine themselves on a beach, or celebrate their favorite musical artist. Users were also prompted to save or share the Lens with friends, increasing reach and engagement for Swisscom. Plus, those viewing Discover content on Snapchat were shown non-skippable Commercial ads promoting blue, further boosting awareness. 

The Results
Swiss Snapchatters responded to the campaign with enthusiasm. French-speaking Snapchatters in Switzerland played with the Lens 219% 1 longer than Swiss playtime benchmarks, and German-speaking Snapchatters in Switzerland played with the Lens 56% 1 longer than Swiss benchmarks. Additionally, Swiss Snapchatters shared the blue Lenses at a rate 72% 1 greater than market benchmarks, and 75% 1 of the Commercial videos that ran as a complement to the Lenses were viewed to completion.

“Snapchat delivers marketing opportunities for Swisscom no other platform does. With the custom Lens, we were able to reach users in a unique way and let them interact with our brand and engage them to get in touch with our products.”
— Daniel Verner, Senior Online Performance Manager, Swisscom

1 Data from Snap Ads Manager, May 30, 2022 - June 26, 2022
1 Data from Snap Ads Manager, May 30, 2022 - June 26, 2022