Spin Master achieves 19pt. lift in product awareness for Fugglers by partnering with Snapchat

lift in product awareness*
lift in message association*
lift in product association*
Spin Master is a leading global toy and entertainment company that has been designing, developing, manufacturing, and marketing consumer products for children around the world since 1994. Fuggler is a plush, mischievous and misunderstood children’s toy with squinty eyes and a mouth full of human-like teeth that is accompanied by an adoption certificate with every purchase. To introduce their newest product offering, Fugglers, Spin Master partnered with Snapchat to connect with their millennial audience in a memorable and engaging way.
The solution was to offer a product mix that reached users with content and through interacting with the camera. Spin Master used Snap Ads to introduce Fugglers in a fun way and showcase their characters’ mischievous behavior. The creative for each ad had short vignettes of a Fuggler character doing something naughty or pulling some kind of prank on their “owner” with the tagline “adopt at your own risk.” Spin Master also took advantage of the Snap Ads Web View attachment that swiped up to a Fugglers landing page for more information and to further entice users to purchase.
In order to increase engagement with the brand, Spin Master incorporated the Snapchat Lens to build memorable moments with their audience. Expanding on the concept of Fugglers and their playful personalities, the Lens featured the characters around Snapchatters’ heads doing silly activities like singing or doing yoga. By narrowing their targeting to Snapchat Lifestyle Categories, Spin Master was able to focus on users most likely to engage with the creative and eventually make a purchase.
“If you don’t change, you get left behind. I constantly push for change that will drive business results. Knowing where our audience plays is half the battle and aligning our creative and message to resonate with our consumer is key. If we’re able to reach the right audience at the right time with the right message, we will win.”
– Krista DiBerardino, EVP Marketing Integration & Activation for Spin Master
Ultimately, Snapchat proved to be a great platform to debut a new brand product and create memorable moments for Fugglers. Spin Master outperformed all Kantar Millward Brown norms across the board thanks to the unique creative and messaging featured on Snap. Most notably, the message association lift was 4x above norms!
*Source: Kantar Millward Brown
“Being innovative is part of our DNA. We knew right from the start that we had to think differently if we wanted to break-through and communicate with millennials. We needed to speak their language. With Snap, we really had the perfect platform and decided to experiment with Lenses and Snap Ads to increase awareness of Fugglers.”
Snapchat can help your business grow.