Success Story
Success Story

L’Oreal Men Expert successfully launched their new styling products via Snapchat - combining product education and awareness online and at the POS!


brand awareness


brand favourbility


purchase intent

Their Story

For the launch of their new styling series, the L’Oreal Men Expert campaign aimed to drive high engagement & increase education on their products. To engage Snapchatters in Germany with their products, L’Oreal Men Expert leveraged Snapchat’s ad solutions to create an immersive styling experience. Lenses and Snapcodes enabled potential buyers to experience the styling products at home, on the go, and at the POS.

Their Solution: #1 Lens & Snapcode

By playing with the L’Oreal Men Expert Lens, Snapchatters were given the opportunity to try out various styling products and to help them determine their favorite look.
Over 1.1 M Snapchatters (1) played with the Lens or received a Lens recording from their friends. On average the Lens playtime was 31.7s. (1)

Additionally, L’Oreal placed Snapcodes of the Lens in over 2000 dm-stores nationwide (drugstore chain), directly at the POS. Through the Snapcode, potential buyers could try out the L’Oreal Men Expert styling products in store and buy their favourite products. The Snapcode unlocked an average Lens playtime of 106s. (5)

Their Solution: #2 Filter

A variety of L’Oreal Men Expert filters enabled Snapchatters to add a “styling” context to their Snaps. As a consequence, L’Oreal became part of the conversation between friends.
Thanks to the amazing share rate (5.7% on average1), the filter’s earned share of total reach is 59%. (1)

Their Solution: #3 Snap Ads & Commercials

The provided video material was optimized to reflect Snapchat Best Practices by recutting and implementing the L’Oreal Men Expert Logo in every scene.

To reach Snapchatters within different content experiences of the platform, the campaign combined Snap Ads & Commercials (unskippable ads (first 6s)). The campaign also included the retargeting of Lens users with a product specific Ad to drive website traffic.

Their Results

L’Oreal Men Expert successfully launched their new styling products with a multi-product campaign on Snapchat. The campaign drove amazing results, increasing all Brand Lift Metrics (brand awareness, action intent, brand favourability) significantly!

"Snapchat was the ideal platform for the product launch of our styling series. In a very loyal market you have to convince clients through engagement and experiences. In very close collaboration with the Snap team we could develop a mechanic that enabled our target group to interact with the product and the brand on- and offline at the store. This is how we successfully could differentiate from normal campaigns and create true value!"

Niclas Janus, Product Manager, L’Oreal Men Expert

1 Snap Inc. internal data October 22 - November 27, 2019
2 Brand Lift Metrics: Snap Inc. brand lift survey of German Snapchat users ages 18+, October 13 - November 27, 2019. Exposed users were exposed to Lens and/or Snap Ads and/or Commercials and/or Filters. Age and location data subject to restrictions. See for details. Question: “Von welchen der folgenden Haarstyling-Marken hast du schon einmal gehört?”; 1,833 respondents (739 Control + 1094 Exposed).
3 Brand Lift Metrics: Snap Inc. brand lift survey of German Snapchat users ages 18+, October 13 - November 27, 2019. Exposed users were exposed to Lens and/or Snap Ads and/or Commercials and/or Filters. Age and location data subject to restrictions. See for details. Question: “Wie ist deine Meinung zu L’Oréal Men Expert insgesamt?”; 1,833 respondents (739 Control + 1094 Exposed).
Brand Lift Metrics: Snap Inc. brand lift survey of German Snapchat users ages 18+, October 13 - November 27, 2019. Exposed users were exposed to Lens and/or Snap Ads and/or Commercials and/or Filters. Age and location data subject to restrictions. See for details. Question: “Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass du dich das nächste Mal für L’Oréal Men Expert entscheidest, wenn du eine Haarstyling-Marke kaufst?”; 1,833 respondents (739 Control + 1094 Exposed).
5 Snap Inc. internal data October 20 2019 - April 4, 2020
1 Snap Inc. internal data October 22 - November 27, 2019
2 Brand Lift Metrics: Snap Inc. brand lift survey of German Snapchat users ages 18+, October 13 - November 27, 2019. Exposed users were exposed to Lens and/or Snap Ads and/or Commercials and/or Filters. Age and location data subject to restrictions. See for details. Question: “Von welchen der folgenden Haarstyling-Marken hast du schon einmal gehört?”; 1,833 respondents (739 Control + 1094 Exposed).
3 Brand Lift Metrics: Snap Inc. brand lift survey of German Snapchat users ages 18+, October 13 - November 27, 2019. Exposed users were exposed to Lens and/or Snap Ads and/or Commercials and/or Filters. Age and location data subject to restrictions. See for details. Question: “Wie ist deine Meinung zu L’Oréal Men Expert insgesamt?”; 1,833 respondents (739 Control + 1094 Exposed).
Brand Lift Metrics: Snap Inc. brand lift survey of German Snapchat users ages 18+, October 13 - November 27, 2019. Exposed users were exposed to Lens and/or Snap Ads and/or Commercials and/or Filters. Age and location data subject to restrictions. See for details. Question: “Wie wahrscheinlich ist es, dass du dich das nächste Mal für L’Oréal Men Expert entscheidest, wenn du eine Haarstyling-Marke kaufst?”; 1,833 respondents (739 Control + 1094 Exposed).
5 Snap Inc. internal data October 20 2019 - April 4, 2020