Lower cost per registered user
Higher free trial opt-in rate
More installs per $1,000 spent
Clover lowered cost per registered user by 31%
Lower cost per registered user
Higher free trial opt-in rate
More installs per $1,000 spent
Clover is a mobile on-demand dating service that streamlines the entire dating process and helps people find quality dates with minimal effort. Clover’s PAIR matchmaking algorithm uniquely focuses on shortening the time between first contact and a real live date. Looking to reach more potential daters, Clover came to Snapchat to run a direct response campaign that would offer a strong return on investment.
With the goal of acquiring new users, Clover ran a Snap Ads App Install campaign through Snapchat’s Ad Manager platform. Clover’s target audience aligned perfectly with Snapchat’s core demographic. They used Snapchat’s Goal Based Bidding to optimize for those who would swipe up on their ads, install their app, and register their dating profile. They also tested different creative across a variety of different ad sets with diversified targeting, and made optimizations in Ads Manager to drive further efficiencies
Clover had its eye on cost per registered user as its primary measure of success. When Snap Ads delivered a cost per registered user 31% below Clover’s target, the company knew it had found an exciting new channel for acquiring customers. Snapchatters also proved to be higher quality users than what Clover found on other platforms, with 43% more installs per $1000 spent. On the heels of this success, Clover continues to grow with Snapchat, expanding into new demos and testing new creative concepts.
Snapchat can help your business grow.