Bringing Daily’s Poptails to Snapchat

Lift in action intent performed
the category norm
Lift in brand awareness
the category norm
Snap Lens share rate beat benchmark by
Daily’s Poptails, a delicious alcoholic beverage brand, headed to Snapchat for the brand’s first-ever major advertising initiative. Seeking to drive brand awareness and launch new Poptails products in front of the right consumers over age 21, Daily’s decided to run a campaign throughout the summer, ahead of key holidays.
The Solution
A cocktail in the form of a pop? That’s something you just can’t pass up, especially on a hot summer day. Daily’s and Snap leveraged commercials, Snap Ads, and AR Lens experiences to ramp up support around Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day.
Daily’s and Snap targeted consumers interested in alcohol, as well as party-goers, beach enthusiasts, and college students, to reach the consumer base most interested in this refreshingly fun product. To maintain engagement, Daily’s used evergreen Snap Ads and Lenses that ran consistently, as well as goal-based bidding tools.
To figure out what worked best for the brand, creative rotated on a biweekly basis. Because content was centered around summer activities, pool-focused videos ended up generating the highest engagement rates! This testing method proved more efficient than promoting creative on a cost basis.

It’s safe to say, Daily’s Poptails campaign on Snapchat was a huge success!
Their Snap Lens share rate beat the benchmark by 15%. 1 Driven by a multiproduct approach, both brand awareness and action intent performed above category norm, at 2x and 3x higher, respectively. 2
The campaign drove lift through full funnel among Snapchatters between ages 21 and 34. Brand awareness increased by 7 points, brand association increased by 4 points, and intent action increased by 5 points. 2
Looks like Daily’s Poptails aren’t just yummy — they’re a major success!
- Greg Riley, Director of Marketing, Daily’s Cocktails
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