uses Dynamic Ads for Remarketing to Drive Incremental Bookings


Lower Cost Per Purchase than other Advertisers in the US


Higher Swipe Up Rate than other Advertisers in the US



The Story is an online platform that helps people explore
and book a wide range of places to stay and other travel
services all over the world, no matter their budget. Looking to
reach a new and engaged audience, partnered
with Snapchat. Using our dynamic ads solution, they launched
remarketing efforts in the Snapchat platform in order to drive a
new stream of incremental bookings.

The Solution

Working closely with Snapchat, employed a
remarketing strategy that looked to use dynamic ads to
retarget users that had actively been looking at properties on
their website. By utilising our dynamic ad solution, they were
able to dynamically pull images directly from their product
catalog that displayed visually appealing property photos and
features! This allowed to serve users ads with
locally relevant listings based on the properties they had
already viewed.

The Result

Snapchat’s dynamic ad product has helped unlock an incremental audience within the United States resulting in positive incremental lift in Bookings across both their website and app, with strongest lift results amongst Snapchatters aged 21-24. 1

1 Snap Inc. internal data, November 3, 2020 - November 17, 2020 (7/1 Attribution)
2 Data from Snap Ads Manager as of November 3, 2020 - November 17, 2020