The Perfect Match: What Snapchatters Expect From Brands For Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be just about romance — in fact, consumers look to celebrate all kinds of love during this holiday. As Snapchat is all about sharing moments both big and small with friends and family, this is a perfect time for brands to engage with Snapchatters.

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be just about romance — in fact, consumers look to celebrate all kinds of love during this holiday. As Snapchat is all about sharing moments both big and small with friends and family, this is a perfect time for brands to engage with Snapchatters.

To better understand how Snapchatters celebrate, shop, and engage with brands around Valentine’s Day, we commissioned a new research study with National Research Group, covering 2,283 consumers across 4 markets globally. This study revealed how Snapchatters discuss with friends and family before making purchases and look to brands for inspiration during this special day.
1. Snapchatters Plan Early For Valentine's Day
Only a third of Snapchatters start shopping a few days before Valentine’s Day. Instead, many Snapchatters start planning from January, looking for brands to provide inspiration, recommendations, and the best deals. Additionally, 36% of Snapchatters say they know the Valentine’s Day shopping season has arrived based on big sales events.

2. Friends And Family Play Huge Role In Valentine's Day Shopping
For Snapchatters, connecting with friends and family is one of their favorite activities, and they play a pivotal role in shaping the purchase experience. Snapchatters turn to each other to share ideas, seek real-time feedback, and get advice before making a purchase. In fact, talking to family and friends is the #1 trigger for them to shop for Valentine's Day.

3. Brands Help Snapchatters Share Heartfelt Moments
To make the most out of Valentine’s Day, Snapchatters turn to brands to get inspired about gifts and ideas on how to best celebrate the holiday. By creating memorable experiences on Snapchat for that occasion, brands can earn the hearts of Snapchatters and foster long-term brand loyalty.

As Snapchatters are actively seeking inspiration and researching the best Valentine’s Day gifts starting in the new year, this creates a prime opportunity for brands to engage early and often. With our advertising products like AR, Takeovers products, and creator collaborations, brands can craft immersive, impactful experiences that capture attention and drive lasting engagement. 72% of Snapchatters say they would visit a brand’s website/store after seeing an intriguing ad on Snapchat for a holiday they are gearing up for.

Be Ready To Spread The Love
Valentine’s Day offers brands a unique opportunity to connect with Snapchatters in meaningful, impactful ways and to get in front of our highly engaged community of 850 million monthly active users who want to create magical and lovely memories with friends and family.
Do you want to build the perfect Valentine’s campaign? Contact your Snap Sales team!
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