Snapchat Ad Formats

Drive Results with Snap’s
Immersive Ad Formats

Grow your business with the Snapchat Ads that are right for you.
See use cases, example ads, ad specifications, and more.

Single Image or Video Ads

Try the format most recommended for new advertisers.

Reach new customers and make an impact with this versatile ad type. Single image or video ads can show up in the Stories and Spotlight ad placements.

Best for:

  • Increasing awareness

  • Getting more visitors to your website

  • Remarketing

Single Image or Video Ad Requirements:

  • File type: .mp4, .mov, .jpg, or .png

  • Aspect ratio: 9:16

  • Resolution: 1080x1920

  • Length: 3-180 sec

Copy Requirements:

  • Brand: Up to 25 characters with spaces 

  • Headline: Up to 34 characters with spaces

Story Ads

Spark curiosity and drive engagement with Story Ads.

With Story Ads, Snapchatters can tap through a series of images or videos you curate.

Best for:

  • Driving deeper engagement

  • Educating viewers about your product

  • Promoting special offers and timely messaging

Story Ad Requirements:

  • File type: .mp4, .mov, .jpg, or .png

  • Aspect ratio: 9:16

  • Resolution: 1080x1920

  • Video Length: 3-180 seconds

Copy Requirements:

  • Brand: Up to 25 characters with spaces 

  • Headline: Up to 34 characters with spaces

Collection Ads

Showcase your top products for Snapchat shoppers.

Collection ads make it easy for customers to browse and buy your products. Provide a range of products, and customers can click on links to buy from your shop or website.

Best for:

  • Advertising in the Ecommerce space

  • 'Always-on' advertising that keeps your business visible in the market

  • Conversion objectives

Collection Ad Requirements:

  • File type: mp4, .mov, .jpg, or .png

  • Aspect Ratio: 9:16

  • Resolution: 1080x1920

  • Video length: 3-180 seconds

Copy Requirements:

  • Brand: Up to 25 characters with spaces 

  • Headline: Up to 34 characters with spaces


Get your most important messages across in this non-skippable ad format.

Commercials are non-skippable for up to 6 seconds, but can be up to 3 minutes long. Commercial ads show up within Snap’s curated content.

Best for:

  • Brand awareness

Standard Commercials are non-skippable 3 to 6 second ads, whereas Extended Play Commercials are 7 to 180 seconds, and only the first 6 seconds is non-skippable.

Commercial Requirements:

  • File type: .mp4 or .mov (H.264 encoded)

  • Aspect ratio: 9:16

  • Resolution: 1080px x 1920px

  • Length: 3-180 seconds, first 6 seconds are non-skippable

AR Lenses

Drive engagement and immerse your audience with Snap’s exclusive AR format.

Snapchat Lenses allow Snapchatters to experience your interactive AR ad through the camera. Raise awareness and engage your audience with this Snap-exclusive format.

Best for:

  • Brand awareness 

  • Engagement

  • Conversions

Lens branding guidelines:

  • Visible logo or brand name required on Face and World Lenses

  • Avoid placing the brand logo where it may be obscured by UI elements or the carousel on the bottom of the screen

  • The recommended logo placement is on the top left or top right under the UI elements

  • Snapchat adds a 'SPONSORED' slug to the creative. This appears for only 2 seconds and doesn't show in users' Snaps

  • With Lens Web Builder anyone can create an AR experience in minutes using hundreds of our free objects and animations.

Image of a woman using Coco-Colas AR filter on Snapchat

AR Filters

Help Snapchatters add some flair to their Snaps with your custom filter.

Snapchat Filters enable Snapchatters to add your interactive filter to their Snaps. Raise awareness and engage your audience with this Snap-exclusive format.

With Lens Web Builder anyone can create an AR experience in minutes using hundreds of our free objects and animations.

Best for:

  • Brand awareness 

  • Engagement

  • Conversions

Static Filters Requirements (.png files):

  • Composition size: 945x2048

Moving Images Filters Requirements (.gif files):

  • Composition size: 720px X 1560px

  • Duration: 1 - 3 seconds

Ready to get started?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the specifications for my ad format?

You can find the basics above, but you can find ad format specifications like word count, aspect ratio, and resolution in our Business Help Center.

What ad format is best for my business?

The best ad format for your business depends on your use case. If you’re just starting out, we recommend a single image or video ad.

What ad formats are available on Snapchat?

Snapchat offers a range of ad types, including Single Image or Video Ad, Collection Ads, Story Ads, Commercials, and AR Ad types like Lenses.

What do Snapchat Ads look like?

Generally speaking, Snapchat Ads use a vertical 9x16 format. However, be sure to refer to the recommended specs for each ad type.

What file type does Snapchat use?

The file types accepted for Snapchat Ads include .mp4, .mov, .jpg, or .png. However, we recommend double-checking the requirements for your specific ad format of choice.

What calls-to-action do Snapchat Ads have?

Snapchat offers different CTAs for each attachment type, including Book Now, Shop Now, Apply Now, and Sign Up. For a full list of the available calls-to-actions by attachment, click here.