How to Improve Performance and Delivery

Test these strategies to enhance campaign delivery and performance.

Adjust bidding strategies to meet goals

Make bids more competitive to meet your campaign objectives.

  • Bid reduction: If the campaign is delivering in full but achieving a result above your goal, reduce the bid price to work harder at getting a result closer to your goal.

  • Change bid type: Test alternative bidding strategies, like using Max Bid toward target KPIs to ensure no overspending outside your goal.

  • Change bidding event: If you’re bidding down the funnel on conversions, reduce your budget and run mid-funnel objectives like add to cart events or page views. You can then build retargeting audiences to test conversion against.

Success Stories

See how businesses like yours are finding success on Snapchat.

Publicité pour les chaussettes Star Wars the Mandalorian sur Snapchat

Rock 'Em Socks drives online sales and achieves massive ROAS on Snapchat

“Snapchat has evolved into a part of our paid marketing workflow and we are excited to continue and expand our partnership in the future.”

- Harrison Hall, Digital Marketing, Rock ‘Em Socks